View Full Version : Does anxiety cause peripheral vision hallucinations

26-11-17, 21:05
I am curious whether it is normal for someone who is hyperfocused, or even just stressed to see people out of their peripheral vision when a person is not even there.. for example.. you see in your peripheral a person, when you look at the object, it is really just a chair or something else.

Also, how about seeing things 'move'? Like those optical illusions where things rotate, wave, or seem to 'breathe'? Is it common to look at a regular object or picture and see it kinda move like that?

27-11-17, 11:50
Very common. I used to experience this all the time.

01-12-17, 23:01
I had this so bad when my anxiety first started. I had a fear of being schizophrenic. I used to think everything coming out of my peripheral vision was a possible sign of a psychotic break. For me it was usually my hair sideburns or people passing by that triggered it. It will go away on it's own soon enough. It's gonna happen so many times that eventually your brain is gonna start to get the pattern that it is always something unconcerning there when you actually look and you will find it less of a necessity to care what's in your peripheral. You are fine, my friend. What you are experiencing is very very common with this condition.


12-02-18, 22:09
I've been getting this with hearing . Suddenly think I can hear someone talking really freaks me out . I can be In a room with people then think I hear whispering it a probably tv or something but I freak out