View Full Version : Scared of breast cancer.

26-11-17, 23:37
I’m new to this so I’m not really sure how it works but I just need some help.

I’m 21 years old and I have a 17 month old daughter. She is amazing and she gets me through the day ��. I have put weight on since she was born and can’t seem to shift it but that’s an issue for another day.

The problem I’m having is that I’m literally obsessed with thinking I have got breast cancer. I have been to the doctors twice. The first time was with a rash (which turned to be eczema due to an ill fitting bra) and the second time was with a lump, which the doctor shrugged off as ‘normal’. But since I’ve been it just seems my anxiety is heightened.

One of my nipples seems to sink into my breast more than the other one. And the skin surrounding it seems to be thickening. . I also sometimes can feel a few lumps. (The ones the doctor previously checked). Also on the same side of my body I feel like I have a swollen arm and a sore shoulder. Of course I’ve googled this and all that it shows is ‘breast cancer’.

I breast fed my daughter and Like I said I’ve put weight on so they could all be added factors as to why I’m feeling like this.

I’ve had the reassurance already but I’m going to the doctors again tomorrow just for peace of mind. I feel like I’m wasting my life being so afraid of getting this awful disease. I know that age is on my side but I just think to myself ‘it can still happen’. I’m driving myself mad and I’m missing out on living due to being so obsessed with an illness I probably don’t have. I feel like I have no one to talk to and nowhere to turn. Please help me

26-11-17, 23:41
It’s horrible when you get in a rutt worrying about a certain form of cancer, if the doctor says your fine then your fine and you must just forget it and remind yourself your ok , don’t let it eat you up it will take away your happiness

26-11-17, 23:49
I’m trying to forget about it but it’s like it’s glued to my brain. It’s the physical symptoms I can’t ignore like the swelling of the arm and the sinking of the nipple. I think it’s all in my head but I just feel hopeless :(

27-11-17, 00:01
Did you or are you still breastfeeding?

You can have a lot of breast changes through all the various stages of starting and stopping that, and the breasts can also feel lumpier than normal- you can oftentimes feel milk ducts. I have three kids, all of whom breastfed. When I first started with my first child, my nipples were inverted. He pulled them out pretty good, and I wasn't really focused too much on them until my last child weaned about 9 months ago. I have found that, while my nipples are not inverted like they used to be, the one on the left has gone back to being more inverted or flat, unlike the left one. I think it's because we stopped nursing and everything shifts after that, and they make get smaller, etc etc. HOrmonal change can also cause the arm stuff-- my armpit lymph nodes swelled up when I was pregnant the last time and haven't gone back down and my child is almost 4. THey are benign though, definitively.

BUT, you are right to get eveything checked if you feel like things are changing. Make sure you get ALL your questions answered, like even ask why he thinks xy or z is not a sign of cancer. I find that, if you leave without asking pointed questions, it's harder for your brain to give it up. You are young, and breast cancer is REALLY unlikely in your case. Your doctor will be thinking that, too, so make sure your answers are more than "you're too young."

27-11-17, 00:12
Thank you so much this has put my mind at ease! I did breastfeed for a while so it could be that. I’m also on my period so my hormones are everywhere. I tend to get swollen lymph nodes whenever I’m ill so maybe I’m coming down with something as my daughter has recently been poorly. I will deffo make sure to get the answers I need. Though the doctors can be quite dismissive. If anything I’m going to ask for a referral to coinciding as I can’t carry on like this. It’s so draining. Thank you for your insight. I will probably be able to sleep better tonight! X

24-01-18, 17:38
The title pretty much sums it up.
I'm 21 years old. Have a nearly 2 year old daughter. J breast fed and I'm a bigger woman so naturally my boobs have lost their perkiness.
Basically I am suffering with breast pain in the same place. It's not constant but in no way is it related to my menstrual cycle. It can happen at any point. If I feed deep inside my breast I can feel a hard type of lump that doesn't move. It seems to be exactly where the pain is coming from. Obviously I've googled it and that was a terrible idea. It's not a massive lump but it's deffo there and it's hard. I went to the doctors last summer about it and she just kind of dismissed me being 'to young', although she did examine but probably not to the extent she would have if I was older.. I just need some help and advice. I'm sending myself silly. I don't want to leave my daughter

24-01-18, 17:46
You had a lot of great replies on your previous post (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=210878) about this :)

Positive thoughts

24-01-18, 17:57
I am pregnant and can also feel a hard(ish) duct in my breast. I've had 2 ultrasounds for it and my gynecologist said that that is all it is. A milk duct. Harder than others but completely benign and non-harmful, can be this way due to hormones or stress!

Chances are that if you're doctor said it is ok, that it is.

24-01-18, 18:44
We can't merge posts at the moment as there is a problem doing this but we will aim to merge them when it is fixed.

25-01-18, 14:34
posts now merged

25-01-18, 18:03
Breast cancer in a 21 year old is almost unheard of.

There is an exceptionally rare type of breast cancer that strikes teens. Something like 5 people have ever had it in the UK. My ex knew one of them. Despite its insane rarity, she was immediately diagnosed when she went to the doctor with the lump. Doctors are pretty good at recognising cancerous lumps, even if they're very rare.

I'd bet all my money that you don't have breast cancer.

03-03-18, 22:24
I have been in constant fear for almost a year that I'm dying of cancer. absolutely convinced myself I have breast cancer but 3 different doctors have told me other wise. I just can't shake it out my head and it's absolutely draining the life out of me. the last year of my daughter's life has been a blur because I'm spending my time in a state of panic. please someone advise me on how to deal with this. thanks x

04-03-18, 01:14
Hi lopz, you are not alone. I have been where you are. I know your struggle and feel your pain. Remember that you went to your doctor(s) they have told you your ok. Id take that and be relieved. With Health Anixety we tend to overthink everything and it takes over our lives. Id go in and talk to your doctor about your anixety and get that worked out. I am on my journey right now to trying to help myself with this. Ive suffered for most of my life and im 37 years old. I have had so many symptoms of so many diseases and convinced myself i have had them all. All were 100% real symptoms. The mind is very powerful. Enjoy your time with your daughter and get help. Trust me i wish i did along time ago.

04-03-18, 16:29
thank you all for your input. I'm nowhere near feeling better but starting to convince myself I'm okay rather than not

04-03-18, 16:45
You have to stop googling and checking your body. These are the most important things to stop the vicious cycle. Anxiety will wreck your mind until you stop feeding it. If doctors have said you’re fine, then you are. I’ve been through this terrible ahA and currently have a good grip on mine thanks to wonderful doctors and my therapist helping me see what my real issue is. I know it’s so hard, but you just have to decide to stop living like that and make different choices. I also felt that I neglected my children at the times my anxiety was at its peak. I’ve had every scan and test I could think of to have and I didn’t get better until I dealt with my HA.

04-03-18, 19:05
Are you still having physical symptoms Lopz. Is it that the reason you are still anxious?

09-03-18, 23:24
here I am again. I am having the same problem. I went to the doctor a few weeks ago because I can feel what seems to be a large mass in my left breast. it doesn't move and it is slightly painful and can be worse some days more than others. it feels pretty fixed and is only present in one side rather than the other. I am trying to stay off Google but I r3ally need some help. doctor says I'm do e but I'm not sure if she felt properly. please help I'm sending myself insane

09-03-18, 23:29

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

09-03-18, 23:35
Are you still having physical symptoms Lopz. Is it that the reason you are still anxious?

yes I am

10-03-18, 00:31
Have you discussed the possibility of therapy and/or medication with your gp. If not , please seriously consider this . Health anxiety is dreadful and you probably need help and direction from your doctor to start you on your recovery. Best wishes

03-04-18, 07:57
hello here I am again. I have a very large hard swollen mass right in my breast. it feels like maybe breast tissue but it's very hard and very swollen. never noticed it before. could someone help please

03-04-18, 08:24

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


03-04-18, 13:11
hello here I am again. I have a very large hard swollen mass right in my breast. it feels like maybe breast tissue but it's very hard and very swollen. never noticed it before. could someone help please

Normally I would tell someone to not worry about it, but in this case you should really go see a doc.

03-04-18, 13:32
I think seeing a doc again would be a good idea, if you feel something. Reading your other post’s it looks like doc’s have felt of your breast, but perhaps an ultrasound would be a good idea, in this case. They can’t tell you with 100% accuracy that it’s nothing just by feel alone, IF this is in fact an actual mass you are feeling. Chances of BC are low/rare in your age, but every woman, regardless of age or family history has a chance of getting BC because, well, all women have breasts. Keep in mind that it’s probably nothing worrisome, BUT do get it checked out. Keep us posted.