View Full Version : Fasciculations on Demand, Possibly Pressure

27-11-17, 06:12
Hello all!

First time poster; 26 y/o male, been a hypochondriac basically my entire life, fairly certain I have BFS since I've also had body twitches as long as I can remember (which, when I was younger, I was sure was a brain tumor, but time told otherwise :)).

Recently, I started observing a very strange symptom which I haven't been able to find *any* information on: I can trigger fasciculations of my right forearm's underside, which in turn twitch my right index finger very quickly, whenever any of the following things happen:

Kegels, crossing my legs, using the bathroom (primarily defecation)

This suggests possibly a cause of pressure in the pelvic floor area? I honestly have no idea what could be causing it or why in the world it triggers activity all the way up in my forearm, but it's been happening for a few days now and is 90% reliable (there are a few times when I can't trigger it manually, but the vast majority of the time I can; it's a little less reliable when lying down).

Either way, it has me quite worried about all manner of things (ALS was an initial worry, though I have no weakness anywhere; brain tumor has floated across my mind; MS; Parkinson's, though I have no tremor at rest; etc.). Other scary thoughts are some kind of cancer down there that is putting pressure on a nerve, but a look at a spinal chart didn't seem like the two would be connected, though I understand the human nervous system is quite complex XD

If anyone has *any* idea as to what may be causing this, or how to better hone in on what the cause may be, I would be super appreciative. I will likely visit my doctor soon to see what he thinks as well, possibly to see a neurologist. I honestly can't ascertain whether it's neurological or mechanical (i.e., a pinched nerve or something, which I guess would technically fall under both umbrellas). Thank you so much for your time and help!

02-12-17, 04:55
Hey all, sorry the bump, but I just wanted to see if anyone might have an idea as to what's going on :)

The symptoms so far are the same and haven't gotten worse, neither have they really gone away. This behavior happens 100% of the time when using the restroom (#2). For what it's worth, I think I hurt my wrist a little bit at the gym a month ago or so, and I can see that the tendons on my right forearm (where the twitching is occurring) are slightly larger and more noticeable than the ones on my left, though I'm unsure if maybe that's because I'm right-handed? Even if it's carpal tunnel or a wrist/arm injury, how does the pelvic floor play into this? Looking forward to seeing if anyone has any ideas! :)