View Full Version : Test Results

27-11-17, 10:48
Hi everybody!

Over the last few months I have been under the care of an Endocrinologist. I have a condition called Gynecomastia (very mild man boobs) which I have had since 13. I have no other symptoms and am very happy and healthy at the moment.

Before my surgery, they tested my hormones to rule out a hormone issue, where they discovered that my Estrogen levels are high. 330 on a scale between 0-149 for a male. While my doctor says he does not believe this is anything to be concerned about, I was sent for a testicle ultrasound which came back clear. I was then sent for a CT Scan of my chest/abdo/pelvis with contrast. I had that on Thursday 23rd November at 5pm.

Naturally I am convinced they are going to find some form of hormone secreting tumour or other incidental finding. I am struggling to believe they are scanning all my major organs and won’t find anything!

Has anyone had a CT Scan and how did you get your results? I am sat beside my phone absolutely terrified of getting a phone call from the hospital. I think no news is always good news in these cases, but I am constantly on edge watching my phone!

Does anyone know if it is usual to have incidental CT scan findings in an otherwise healthy person? They only other symptom I have is a very low libido (practically non existent) which causes relationship issues. However this has always been the case, I thought it was “just me” until I was made aware of the hormone issue! Apparantly is estrogen/testosterone are out of balance thisbimpacts libido - fascinating but scary nonetheless.

The issue is that my doctor has requested this scan but I have absolutely no idea why, or what he is looking for! I called his secretary to request a letter explaining his rationale and all I got was an appointment to see him on 8th January! How ridiculous.

Thanks guys!!

27-11-17, 13:59
The truth of the matter is, many, even most scans, and radiological tools *don't* find anything. Just because they are looking, doesn't mean there is anything there.

I had a CT scan because of I have an aortic aneurysm which they monitor. I was told at my last visit, "you will be happy to know that there is nothing else going on in your chest. No tumors, or masses."

I was thinking "good to know. I was only freaking out about one thing at a time here, so thanks for clearing me of all that other crap, back to the aneurysm."

My point is, I have had 1 MRI, 2 CT scans and a few x rays over my life that never found anything. Just because they are looking, and doing due diligence, does not mean there is anything there.