View Full Version : Scared of colon cancer

27-11-17, 11:31
Hello everyone! I am new here, I am a 26-year old girl.

I now have been struggling with HA for 2 years.

Currently, I am so scared to have colon cancer. Last wednesday night, a few hours after dinner, I started to have period like cramps. It woke me up during the night and going to the bathroom seemed to help just a little. Pain continued all day and all night to the point where I woke up my partner a few times to cry, I even suggested he take me to the ER. Friday was a little bit better but still diarrhea and lower abdominal pain, with now some fever. Finally went to see a doctor, who told me that my tummy wasn't hard at all and that it was probably a stomach bug. Since then, I have suffered a bit less but I still wake up during the night with pain, and I still have urgency/diarrhea.
Now I am concerned because of the abdominal pain that is still present. I assume if it was a stomach bug it would have lasted 48h max. Also, (TMI) there is a lot of mucus in my stool and I saw some little streaks of blood in there.

So I am freaking out...

Also, two month ago I did a stool test because (again) I was scared of colon cancer. All three samples came back negative but my mind tells me that during the three days maybe the tumor wasn't bleeding so it didn't show up...

27-11-17, 14:54
Sounds like ibs , maybe do a food intolerance test too as might be activating the stomach cramps mucus diaherea, fizzy drinks spicy food alchohol many different foods do that even to myself , I often have mucus in my stools and have done for past 8 years