View Full Version : wave like sensations

21-06-07, 16:34
when i try to fall asleep i get an overwhelming wave of fear! its not a pannic attack but it feels like my back starts to tingle and my arms....i checked my breathing i was breathing okay its like a wave that just comes and goes then comes again....and sometimes i cant fall back asleep because i keep getting these weird sensations. I hate it because i dont know how to control it. They say accept your symptoms but it feels like this wave has power over me and no matter how hard i try to not think about it or not fear it ....it scares me soo bad its prob one of the worst anxiety symptoms i have had yet!!

anyone else get weird wave like sensations??

21-06-07, 22:58
Hi Dee,

When I was acute I used to get this alot, night or day. I still do from time to time but these days it does not bother me at all, sounds strange I know, but it does not.

This wave you feel is just a rush of adrenaline, Waves of anxiety.yes you are supposed to eccept it, but in eccepting you have to change your thought pattens on this symptom. What you are doing at the mo is feeding your anxiety by fearing this symptom. I know how dame hard it is to change your thought pattens on a symptom, trying dame hard not to fear it, but if you can change your thoughts not to fear it, it will go, it will not last.

I read this on here once, if you change thought pattens it helps lots, change them from negative ones to more positive ones, so on this symptom. I tried very, very hard to think of it as water rushing over me, thinking that I like water, it feels nice, or say to myself, whoooooo that feels nice, it took along time but with alot of hard work and time this did work. One night it came over me and my thoughts went, ***mmmm nice**** and it went as quick as it came.

As I said, I have had it a few times since I was acute, but only when I am stressed. This is one of many of Mrs anxietys symptoms.

Hope his helps, even if its just knowing your not alone.



21-06-07, 23:51
hi there

i had a similiar experience a couple of years ago and found out it was due to a mild inner ear infection called labyrinthitis. the wave like feelings were caused when closing my eyes, i only had my ears to rely on to centre my balance- if that makes sense- and as i had an infection in my ear that caused a wave like feeling throughout my body. unfortunately there is nothing to treat it and it will usually go away itself after a week. is such an unusual feeling and makes it difficult to go to sleep.

hope this helps

laura :)