View Full Version : Hospital and Enalapril

27-11-17, 17:33
So I have been having skipped beats since I was 18, but badly for the last year, started on Xmas Day 2016 really bad. Having bouts of skipped beats every 3 seconds, every minute of every hour and lasting for around 1 week before they stopped.

Saw the doctor and he finally said we need a cardiologist's opinion on whats going on as nothing showed on a heart monitor or ECG, just benign ectopics.

2 x ECG's, bloods, Echo and MRI later, we have an answer. I have a very mild "left ventricular impairment" which has caused my heart to be slightly enlarged. But from what they could see no abnormalities and all is ok apart from this but something that needs some medication to help shrink my heart and relax it so the problem can sort it's self out.

Very scared at the moment as I was hoping it was just anxiety and all in my head, but hoping at they have got the problem early it can be fixed and I can see my little boy grow up!

Just needed to vent today to get it out there, been finding it difficult to talk about without getting very upset, I just need to speak about it.


28-11-17, 21:55
Hey John, do your best to focus on the “no abnormalities and all is ok” part of what you wrote. You may have a physical reason why you were having skips, but you don’t have to let anxiety linger around. Your doctors found the issue, and are on the case to fix it. Let the meds do what they do, don’t miss your follow ups, live a healthy lifestyle and all will be well!

29-11-17, 10:05
Thank you for your reply. I am feeling much better today, it seems the meds are working and skips are starting to fade out of my life which is great. Really looking forward to putting this all behind me and finally enjoying life after spending so much time worrying!

I feel like I can concentrate on my life more and definitely feeling more focused. I know I will feel nervous coming up to my check-up in two months time, but hey we have Christmas in-between that and I am going to try my hardest to enjoy it :)

29-11-17, 11:38
Thank you for your reply. I am feeling much better today, it seems the meds are working and skips are starting to fade out of my life which is great. Really looking forward to putting this all behind me and finally enjoying life after spending so much time worrying!

I feel like I can concentrate on my life more and definitely feeling more focused. I know I will feel nervous coming up to my check-up in two months time, but hey we have Christmas in-between that and I am going to try my hardest to enjoy it :)
Damn sorry to hear your issues, i hope you feel better soon.
I got my results back today and was hoping it was just anxiety, but i guess not. pvc's.

I hope you do enjoy xmas. Do you mind me asking what the DR put you on please? As in tablets? meds.

Really looking forward to putting this all behind me and finally enjoying life after spending so much time worrying!
I cant wait to get to that stage. Im so sick of the worry.

30-11-17, 12:33
I am feeling pretty good at the moment, medication is slowly kicking in which is good! I think I just have some worry as I do not know what the future holds and how they deal with it. Won't know more until tomorrow at a doctors appointment, then at my follow up at the hospital in January.

I am currently on Enalapril Maleate 2.5mg - twice daily.Tomorrow this is going up to 5mg twice a day.

I hope you get to the results stage soon, it's a great releif to know that I do not have a major heart condition but something small that is causing the symptons, they are not all in my head like people were saying! Also hopfully it's something that can be treated.

Let me know how you are getting on! Do you have any more tests booked?