View Full Version : Gallbladder surgery... terrified

27-11-17, 18:05
So I've been told if the polyp in my gallbladder has increased I will have to have my gallbladder removed (likely by laparoscopic procedure). I've had a laparoscopy before but because of my past experience with a bad reaction I'm absolutely terrified to have the surgery done. Last time I was light headed and almost fainting all evening and ended up throwing up all day, unable to go home or go to the toilet properly and wasn't allowed home until the late afternoon the next day. The recovery took a while I guess, which is also what I'm worried about as I am someone who gets anxious just lying down and not able to do much.

Has anyone had positive experiences with gallbladder surgery they can tell me about or reassure me with?
Is it as bad as it sounds? I'm gonna make sure they suggest an alternative to morphine and a different anti-sickness injection because of last time and not knowing what it was that caused such bad reaction.

Also how long roughly before you could go out and do normal things?

27-11-17, 18:56
I think you need to have a good chat with Doc and nurses pre this happening. They can suggest, prepare and comfort you through this. Can a friend or family member also be around to comfort you?

28-11-17, 13:09
I'll probably have my mother with me on the days I have the pre-surgery chat and so on and also for the surgery since it's a general anaesthetic, i'll definitely mention these things to them!

28-11-17, 13:54
Hi Carnation.

I had my gall bladder out with keyhole surgery many years ago, and it was a piece of cake. Only problem was getting a vein they could use to knock me out for the count, but I always have that problem even when having a blood sample taken.
after the op. i was told just to carry o as normal, and there was no problem with that at all. I felt absolutely fine, and was discharged the same or next day.
Only thing to watch out for after a gall bladder op is not to eat too many fatty things In one go as it can make you feel a bit sick. Donīt think the body can handle too much fat with no gall bladder.
I would say you have nothing at all to worry about, and will be right as rain after the op . Hope this helps calm your fears xxx

11-01-18, 20:21
I had mine out in 2010 with laparoscopic surgery and all went well and I agree with the above poster... Once gone be careful with eating to many fatty things. If I eat something extra fatty I feel sick and not to be gross but soon after eating I have to go the bathroom like right away... Its not like this for everyone though. I know some people that have had it out and dont go through what I go through...

Everything will be just fine :hugs: