View Full Version : Someone please help me!

27-11-17, 18:49
I am currently (at this very moment) suffering from extreme health anxiety. I have had this pulsating/cramping under my left rib for over two months. Just in August I was diagnosed with GERD (most likely from stress). Anywho, the past two days, it seems the pain/uncomfortable feeling has only gotten worse. Today, I had two extremely lose BM's as well as very very shaky and "out of it". I have even resorted to purchasing an online chat to talk to a doctor and he chalked it up to muscle pain, which is ridiculous. This pain also does get worse before I have a BM or gas, but it is CONSTANTLY there. When I went to the doctor last, they pressed on my spleen but it was not swollen. Also, they didn't take any blood to check for infection :mad:

Don't get me wrong, I go to the doctor ALL THE TIME.. and will be going after work today. But I can't seem to shake the idea that something is seriously wrong. I have been reading about aortic aneurysms and all kinds of things. Has anyone with IBS or GERD had similar problems? I need to calm myself down and do NOT want to take any meds as I am nannying. HELP SOMEONE!!!!!!

27-11-17, 18:52
Yes, I have this pain under both ribs. It sounds like it’s acid related. Does it get better when you eat? Have you got any antacids you can take?

27-11-17, 18:55
You need to trust your doctors, if they say your ok then your ok, the whole ibs and gerd is exactly what you’re symptoms are saying , when you work yourself up it makes you have fast bowel movements the saying I’m shitting myself means when your scared , lol, try not to worry as makes all symptoms of gerd and ibs worse, and take some anti acids and watch what your eating cut down on fizzy drink etc pointless trip to the doctors as you can sort it yourself

27-11-17, 18:58
I have this under my right ribs. I have had this off and on for 9 years. I have been told either IBS or stomach irritation. When it first started they did blood tests, x-rays and ultrasound. Found nothing out of the ordinary.

27-11-17, 19:33
It does get better for a few hours then it starts to act up again. Its just constant. I have also had pain under my armpit and left shoulder tip that comes and goes with the pain. Antacids do not help. I was put on a two week trial of Nexium and it helped temporarily, and I did not have this that bad before the Nexium. I am just at my wits end.

27-11-17, 21:14
I had a very bad pain under my ribs at one point. My health anxiety was at an all one high and I could literally feel my ribs move with my hand! I was terrified. The doctor told me it was IBS and once I believed I was okay all my symptoms subsided. It’s so difficult to believe but it if the doctor says you’re okay then you are okay! Hope you start to feel better soon.

27-11-17, 22:43
Are you still on Nexium?

Nexium is a ppi which suppresses stomach acid, although another type of gastric fluid slightly increased due to it to compensate and help break the food down (or something, you can get better description from your doctor on how a ppi works). However, when you come off the ppi, you can get what is known as acid rebound, which means that your natural acis levels are increasing back to normal but you still have this increased gastrin in your system, hence why, some people really struggle to get off ppis with the increased acid effects. Coming off a ppi should be staggered, especially if you were on 40mg a day or more.

So it could be acid rebound, or you may need a double dose for a while to being the acid down. It's a tricky one and that's why you need to see your doctor.

28-11-17, 02:56

So.. it is IBS, but we all knew that. I just didn't want to believe it. My potassium levels were quite low but that was from all of the BMs. Also, my red blood cell count was off, but they said that could be due to "the time of the month".

My doctor was actually a PA who gave me more information than any MD has ever given me about my anatomy. And not to mention, he was very very good looking which helped. I knew how long the colon was but he also educated me on cells and how when we are made, these cells can sometimes be put into two different parts of the body which is why sometimes we will feel pain on the right even though it started on the left.

He said my anxiety has only made the problem worse and I will literally make myself sick if I don't stop. So, I am stopping as of today. We are not in control of our bodies or what is planned for us, but we can stop worrying about it! (Or at least try to)