View Full Version : 2 month headache

27-11-17, 20:33
Hi everyone

Ive been having pretty much constant headache/head pain for 2 months now. Have been to see GP on numerous occasions, and they have said that its either migraine(its defo not migraine)/cluster headaches or tension headaches. Ive had my eyes checked in the past couple of weeks and the optician didnt find anything to worry about.
The headache/pain is predominantly on my left side of my head and left temple and around my eye area. I sometimes wake up with it doesn't wake me up as such but it is there pretty much as soon as i wake up. I take paracetamol every day and it that gives some relief for a couple of hours. In the past 2 months i've only had 3 days with no headache at all.
I dont notice the headache when im busy so the pain isnt severe.
Like many others my main concern is a brain tumour but the rational side of me knows that id most likely have other symptoms if that was the case. But what could it be?
Can anyone else relate to this type of headache? I guess im going to have to go back to my gp as i cant go one like this forever, its really affecting my life as i feel so miserable about it.

thanks for reading


18-12-17, 07:52
I have had headaches like this before and one time for almost 3 months straight. I thought it would never go away. I went and saw a neurologist and he said he thought it was a tension headache... He prescribed me naproxen and a muscle relaxer. After 2 days it was gone! What a relief that was. Before that combo I tried everything. Tylenol, excedrin, excedrin migrain, excedrin tension headache, Advil, goody powder etc nothing worked and if it did it was only a little bit and only for an hour or 2. I even had tried Firocet that the hospital gave me.
I hope by now your headache is gone but if it isn't do talk with your Dr about that combo.

18-12-17, 17:02
As it's one sided and sticking around for so long, have you considered a cervicogenic headache? These can come on from having your neck bent for too long, or tense shoulders which set off a chain reaction of pain and irritated muscles which lead to a chronic headache. Do you do a lot of desk work/reading?