View Full Version : Do I have social anxiety?

27-11-17, 22:32
Recently I have been feeling under the weather. It seems Like every-time i go out of the house I am suiting up for war. When I go to new places it feels As if everyone is staring at my an I just spas out( like i cant think). Often times it scares me. Sometimes i Just don't want to go nowhere at all and just stay cuddle up in a ball in my house. Then when i do stay inside it feels as if I am failing my self. I cant focus on work nor can I achieve anything especially with losing weight. It seems that all i can do is maintain it. Often times when I spend times with friends and family I feel better but once they leave it feels as if all my sorrows and troubles devour me again. I could write more here but i feel as if it would detour you away from responding.:)

01-01-18, 21:46
This sounds to me kind of like depression maybe more than social anxiety, like feeling a bit better when you see family and friends but then feeling that yuck feeling once they go again. Getting out of that rut is difficult but the best idea might be to make a list of all the things that are making you unhappy and trying to work on them one by one, making more of an effort to get out and about and be with people who make you happy :-)

05-02-18, 18:20
I totally get what you are saying. Even talking to family members leave me red faced and sweaty. I only feel safe when I'm at home,even going to college I have to go to the bathroom and put (even more) deodorant on, brush my hair and grab a gum (even though I have brushed my teeth already and brushed my hair like 20 times that morning) I'm anxious of what people would think if I smelt even a little bit, or if my hair looks frizzy or if my breath smelt. Nobody ever has said that they have noticed that I smell or that my breath has smelt but I keep doing that routine. Every single morning I do that same routine, its tiring and it leaves me late for college but I just cant stop doing it. We all experience anxiety in different ways and it does leave me feeling like I'm a freak because none of my other friends do this. I also have a problem with OCD as well where I constantly use hand sanitiser.