View Full Version : Thickening of nipple

28-11-17, 00:07
Anyone else ever experienced thickening of skin in one nipple? 21 years old and freaking out!

28-11-17, 11:41
I haven't I'm afraid. Could it perhaps be rubbing on something? Might be best for the doctor to take a quick look and hopefully put your mind at ease.

28-11-17, 21:28
At your age, I'm sure its nothing but why not pop in to your GP and have them check it out to reassure your mind. Its most likely just how you are made or something harmless.

28-11-17, 21:45
Is this a sudden change, or are you just examining them for the first time and have noticed that your nipples are different? If it's that, then just to say that it's perfectly normal.

28-11-17, 22:08
Hi, I have something similar... my left breast started feeling harder than my right one and it also hurts when I poke or squeeze it a little. I freaked out over breast cancer, my mum then told me a story about how when she was young she felt that her breasts were all lumpy, as if filled with sand. She went to see a doctor and they said it was common for young women to have texture changes in their breasts. Cysts are also common, and if a cyst is big enough, it can make the breast/nipple feel hard. But you should definitely have that checked out, a cyst can easily be found via ultrasound.