View Full Version : DVT fears

28-11-17, 00:29
I'm back to a previous fear of mine which is dvt. Although this time i'm sure i've got one! (that's always the way, the current fear is the true one).

I have really bad cramping in my right calf for the last few days that seems to be for no reason.
I haven't really got dvt risk factors, I used to smoke a little bit but don't anymore, haven't had a recent operation, no recent flight, no hormonal birth control, I don't know of any blood clotting disorders in my family. I'm 23 and not overweight except for a bit of stomach after getting lazy with what I'm eating.

But I have been doing 15 hour overtime call centre shifts sitting at a desk, every so often I get up and stretch my legs and stretch and move them about under my desk every so often. But even so, I've been sat down for long periods of time :(

My leg doesn't feel hot or swollen as such the calf still feels quite soft. But my only worry is I've read about people who have had them with no swelling or redness, just the pain!!! Ahhh I'm freaking out :(

28-11-17, 02:36
Sounds like muscle soreness to me.

29-11-17, 00:06
Sounds like muscle soreness to me.

thanks for your reply :)

I hope so, it is just super painful, I can stand on it and walk fine though.

I just don't want to go and bother my doctor as I already think she doesn't take me seriously because she knows how bad my anxiety is.

29-11-17, 03:23
Cramping can occur if your salt and magnesium levels are down and also just spontaneously.

Have you any other symptoms with it?

Cramping can hurt like hell, even hours after the spasm is released.

01-12-17, 07:50
Does it hurt if you sit down with your leg out and flex your foot? Red? Warm to the touch? Those are the symptoms of dvt. I am
Always afraid of it as well :/