View Full Version : Hurts to breathe after cold? Sharp pains in windpipe/throat

28-11-17, 03:17
Hey all,

Freaked out right about now. I had a cold all weekend but today I woke up and my throat was incredibly sore to the point of nausea. I took flu medicine (acetaminophen) and it went away but now it hurts all the way down my windpipe in sharp stabs whenever I breathe too deeply. It seems to go away in certain resting positions and is irritated by burping, the cold air outside, and any activity faster than a stroll. I have a mucous-y cough too. Worried about pneumonia!

Dissolved girl
09-12-17, 19:53
Hi there

It is probably just a nasty cold but have you been to the doctors for an opinion?

Make sure you get plenty of vitamin C and drink lots of water! : )