View Full Version : Help I don’t know what to do next

28-11-17, 07:39
I really don’t know where to turn. My husband has so much stress in his life he doesn’t need me constantly going on at him about my problems and I have no one else to talk too.

About a month ago I went to my dr due to the chest pain I was experiencing. He and my husband believe it’s stress related. He gave me some indigestion tablets to take for a week. After the week where there was no change I went on holiday and for 2 of the 3 days 8 was there I had no pain. The day before I came home the pain return and hasn’t gone since,. My husband believes this proves it’s stress related but I went back to the dr. Last Wednesday and He prescribed me Xanax to help with the stress. He said if I feel no better next Monday to call and he will arrange a camera to be put into my stomach as it was a bit tender when he pressed it. I was happy with this but since the weekend I’ve got worse. The pain is often very intense, I feel full all the time and I’m so worried it’s stomach cancer.
I do have a lot of stress in my life at the moment which is not helping but I don’t think this is my anxiety,

Please help, do I wait until Monday Tom call the dr or do I call now and ask for the camera. ( that’s not an easy option as I have a baby that I will need childcare for and my mum isn’t not arriving until Friday)

Sorry for such a long post but I’m desperate I have no one to turn to

28-11-17, 21:11
I know what you mean about not wanting to share with your husband. That in itself can be stressful and add to your symptoms. It sounds very pisdible that your anxiety is causing the pain. IBS can excruciating and it us more likely to be that than stomach cancer. Hope you soon get some peace of mind.

28-11-17, 23:48
Poor you. I know the feeling. It is hugely unlikely to be cancer though. If you are under 40 (and even if you aren't!) the chances are vanishingly small. Most likely stress and if there is something physical going on it could be an ulcer/gastritis (both stress related). Try not to worry too much. You will be fine.