View Full Version : Pooing in the night

28-11-17, 13:46
I apologise to admin; I first posted this in IBS but getting no replies and wondering if it's more of a health anxiety fuelled issue.

Is night time IBS only a red flag if it wakes you up? I suffer with anxiety (obviously ) and as soon as I read this, I started waking up sometimes to pee (like usual) and feeling fine, but then looking at the clock and getting in a panic incase I need to 'go.' I lie there unable to sleep and then a few mins later, the stomach cramps start and I'm back the toilet. If I manage to sleep through without needing to pee, I'm fine.
I'm hoping this is just a response to my anxiety as it's not usually 'D', unless I then get myself into a state about the time and then have to go numerous times. Any reassurance for me? Thanks!

28-11-17, 13:54
I don't know what reassurance I can offer as it's obvious from your post that you're fueling the fires with your train of thought. You're fine until you start to think about it right?

Positive thoughts

28-11-17, 14:02
Yes, I wake up because I need to pee, go back to bed and lie there and then my intestines start waking up, as if it's morning time. As I know that isn't ideal, I get into an anxious mess about it.
It's so embarrassing but I even thought I saw black blood and got my phone torch on it and realised it was blueberries. My heart was racing, all the usual anxiety symptoms and then of course I ended up with actual diahrea.
I wish I could just reprogramme by body to sleep through the night

28-11-17, 21:06
I often have to go for a poo during the night because i am worrying about something. I wake up for a pee, something triggers my HA and I may go a couple of times. I too have IBS so it doesn't take much for me to have a pain and have to go.

29-11-17, 07:33
Thank you both for the replies :)