View Full Version : Does anyone have numb patches all over body?

28-11-17, 15:36
I thought I'd been imagining it but i'm really not, for the past 6 months I've had a numb patch on my back and hip, today I felt like something was stuck to my thumb, when I touched it it was completely numb :( I'm a total mess I hate all this anxiety but I can't help but wonder if there really is something wrong with me :( the numbness won't go away after months:weep:

28-11-17, 17:38
Yes I have a numb patch on my back over my right shoulder. Been there for as long as I can remember.

28-11-17, 17:45
The tip of my index finger has been numb for a few weeks and it's driving me mad. :wacko:

28-11-17, 18:21
When you say numb, you mean you can stick a pin in yourself and not feel it?

The reason I ask is that I have numbness as a result of my treatment. My feet are numb from neuropathy and the left side of my neck is totally numb. Like cut myself shaving and not realize it until I see blood numb.

Numbness, of which I believe you're describing, can be attributed to a few benign physical issues but anxiety is a big one! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Numbness_or_tingling_in_hands_and_feet)

Positive thoughts

28-11-17, 19:39
Thanks for all your replies everyone!

Fishmanpa it's more like when I scratch it there is absolutely 0 sensation. Like when your foot falls asleep. I do hope that it's anxiety! It's just mad that it keeps popping up in various locations. I just called my doctor and she said it really doesn't sound like anything sinister but she wants to refer me to a neurologist to be sure. I really hope I'm just mad! I'm numb on my back, arm, hip and both hands