View Full Version : Don't know what's wrong with me

28-11-17, 19:21
So I've noticed something really weird happens every few months or so. It used to happen a lot more than it does now because I'm in a better state now, but it just happened today.

So basically what triggers it is not exercising and ruminating about my own mental health. I've been eating really poorly these last few weeks. Also, my boyfriend went back to visit his family and I miss him. What happened today was a woke up and I was about to not go to class because I felt too tired and depressed. I got up the motivation to, but when I got there it happened again.

It happens so suddenly. I just get this random surge of.. not really panic exactly.. it feels more like craziness. The feeling is really hard to describe but it's different from anxiety. I got this feeling, and right when I got it, I got the irresistible urge to through my phone at the wall. It's sort of like an exploding feeling.

Then the tics following. I start ticking violently seemingly out of nowhere. I look kinda crazy. My eyes get wide. I look around and my environment looks sort of fake. It might be a kind of hypomania but without the euphoria? I've felt similarly but with a sense of euphoria before.

Anyway, I was sitting in choir class and I just felt super wired. I was sort of shaking and I felt like I was going to explode. Then... stillness. Just like a switch, I become somewhat paralyzed. I still know what is happening around me but my face is so still and I don't smile at the jokes my teacher makes like I normally do. My eyes are still super wide. I feel like I can't move and can't sing well.

Then, I go to the bathroom and have a complete meltdown. I started to hyperventilate and punch my hat. I cried too. The thing is, there was no accompanied sadness with my crying. It was just to get the physical tension out of me. It's about an hour later now and I feel fine.

The same thing happened at my work a couple months ago. Can anyone tell me what this is?