View Full Version : Feeling anxious over someone

28-11-17, 21:42
Hi All

I am so sorry to off load this here but i have nowhere else to go. I have been doing really well with my anxiety lately, I have joined a running club and just being out running has done wonders for me (I seriously recommend it) however an incident has occurred which has reared my anxiety again.

A person (who I will refer to as A) was in a car recently with a friend of their's and friend's uncle. The car got stopped by police and an amount of cannibis and money were found. All three got hauled off to police station where a duty solicitor told A to 'no comment' to all questions. As A didn't answer questions and A's preferred solicitor is on holiday he has now been remanded in custody.

Part of me is thinking I hope this gives A the shake up needed to get their life back on track but another part (the biggest part) of me is just so anxious over what will happen. I don't want to see them 'in prison' at all let alone for something that I don't think A has even done.

Not sure what I want from posting this other then somewhere to get it out of my system. I have noone I can tell this anxiety too as people who know what is happening with A can't help and I fear others will just gossip and the selfish part of me does not want the attention.

If you got this far thanks for reading.


29-11-17, 01:50
It will depend who the cannabis was on. But also the "amount of money" you mention suggests this is more about possession with the intent to supply.

Whether they will be looking to prove all of them were in this together I guess depends on whether they were all carrying. If it was in the car rather than on someone then the driver is the likely one they will be after.

Perhaps it will be the shake up A needs and maybe reconsider the company they keep as it tends to be key to escaping drug culture. I remember looking in the mirror and not liking that element of myself and I cut all such people out of my life.

Unfortunately, A will have to take what comes. A "no comment" isn't perhaps a great strategy and I always thought the Courts frowned on it.

It's no reflection on you and you obviously just care about your friend and other than be supportive, there's nothing else you can do.

If A was not in possession and wasn't the driver, if the cannabis & money were in the car instead, then if the police decide not to prosecute they will likely dismiss it soon.

29-11-17, 07:17
Thank you so much for your reply you always seem to be able to say the right thing. A was not the driver in this case just a passenger in the car. I hope you are right in what you say. Once A get to speak to his solicitor I think he will be more cooperative.

Thank you


29-11-17, 12:10
Always happy to help.

I think his custody needs questioning. If he's not a threat to someone or a possible absconding risk, why keep him in? Has he just been kept in under the legal questioning time? If not, it sounds harsh and needs challenging, especially as it sounds like he was just in a car with "a wrong 'un" and it could happen to anyone.

29-11-17, 18:26
That was my thought too