View Full Version : Scared it could be esophageal Cancer ....

28-11-17, 23:16
Hi I'm 60 and also a relieving teacher (supply teacher). After having a bad throat infection for which I had 2 lots of antibiotics. I still have a cough and a mild sore throat. The throat infection was 2 1/2 months ago.

Last night I was eating some fish and it came straight back up again with a big burp, there was no acid re flux. This hasn't happened to me before so I way really frightened. Now I'm thinking the cough, sore throat and regurgitation may indicate esophageal cancer! I had an endoscopy Feb 2016 (21 months ago) for stomach trouble which was clear.

Could a cancer have developed in this time? I don't have Barrett's. I do drink a couple of glasses of wine during the week, which I know can be a contributing factor :(

Thank you for reading, Lesley.

29-11-17, 02:45
Burping is often a sign of indigestion. I know i get it quite bad at times and it can be extremly painful. Indigestion can effect different people in different ways. I would say its nothing to worry about

29-11-17, 03:12
Thanks for that, I do burp a lot as well but never brought anything back up again! It hasn't happened today so hopefully it was a one-off.

I read that Silent Reflux can start up after a cold or flu and can have similar symptoms to mine, so am leaning towards that at present.

I mentioned it to my partner and he has the regurgitation occasionally.

I have CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) which can also have similar symptoms as well. I have to be careful not to put everything down to CFS as it can mimic serious complaints. I just tend to panic then my mind gets away on me!