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View Full Version : No sleep. Worries about OTC sleep medications

29-11-17, 00:33
I've been having bad problems with not sleeping lately. I want to take an OTC to try and get back into a sleep routine at least, but I'm afraid to take anything for fear of it raising my BP. I've read that Benedryl and Tylenol PM can both do that. Melatonin doesn't work for me. That's why I picked the other two.

29-11-17, 01:06
Have you tried chamomile tea?

Do you have blood pressure problems?

I was having trouble sleeping a couple months ago. I started reading a book called "The Ripple Effect" and in it the author (who is a doctor and a professor) explains how a nighttime routine is incredibly important because our bodies physically crave routine. One of the biggest things he points out is not to have any screen time a couple hours before bed. Instead he recommends creating a routine like a shower/bath, yoga and reading. Apparently, even insomniacs have benefitted from this simple change in their lives. It definitely helped me and I would urge you to try the natural method before taking medicines :)