View Full Version : Panic Attack - It is far worse that I ever remembered!

21-06-07, 21:31
Tonight I had a panic attack - the first one in well over 3 years :weep:

I haven't felt 100% all day but thought I was feeling better this evening.

Alex got us some really unhealthy kebabs for dinner as he was late coming home.

I ate about half of mine and then 10 minutes later started to feel really unwell. My ears went all blocked and I couldn't clear them with popping them. Then my throat started to close up and that was it - wham! The only thing I can think of is the chilli sauce on the kebab - not that I had much of it.

I usually get a bit anxious when I don't feel very well but this was far worse and of course I started panicking.

I couldn't breathe then and couldn't swallow so of course I was going to die :shrug:

I tried to calm down but it wasn't working and in the end Alex had to talk me through the deep breathing exercises to calm me down. I was close to calling an ambulance :blush:

I am still feeling extremely dizzy but I am calmer and the breathing is under control now and I am not dead (surprise surprise).

What amazed me most was how easily I had forgotten what a panic attack is like and just how awful it really is! I used to get them most days but it has been so long since the last one that you so easily forget how bad they were.

I just wish I could practise what I preach sometimes as tonight I just couldn't control it at all and I should know exactly what to do at times like this.

Good job Alex was here as he is an expert at calming me when I do get panicky:yesyes:

Anyway just wanted to rant a bit :weep: :mad: :wacko:

21-06-07, 21:52
I'm sorry you had such a hard time. :hugs:

I had my first big one in years last night as well and I'm still weak and scared over it. I just feel ill.

Great job to Alex for helping you!!!

I hope today is much much better for you. And try not to focus on it happening again because then it will only make it worse.

21-06-07, 22:04
Oh no Nic! So sorry to hear that but glad you got through it together as ever. Alex is a star.

Consider though the amount of pressure you have been under in recent weeks. I'm certain that this is probably the reason for it. You've had a really stressful time lately...


Eeb xx

21-06-07, 22:17
:hugs: Nic

It is horrid hun. I am so glad you had alex with you.
the difficulty is, when do we know when it is real or not eh?

I find anx has a horrisd way of creeping up on you when you are least expecting it, just as if to remind you it is still there!
I have been doing well anx wise for ages, but keep on gettin funny heartbeats. It is just that adrenalin keeping me on my toes!
You did it though hun, and you got through it without a 999:yesyes:


21-06-07, 22:31
Kimmie, Eeb and Happy

Thanks for the replies.

It has really knocked me for 6 and I am sat here analysing things and what I would say to someone else in my position.

Yes I have taken on a lot recently - preparing for the conference next week has been a long slog and is not over yet.

To be honest I haven't felt 100% since the car accident in May and it has been a long battle with driving again to regain the confidence.

I felt dreadful again earlier and came online and talked to anyone on MSN that would chat and I am finally calming down.

Thanks Andrea for being there and keeping me distracted.:hugs:

I can talk to Alex - don't get me wrong - but he doesn't really understand what a panic attack is like so cannot sympathise like the people on here can.

I am calming down now.

I have a funeral tomorrow so need to be well for that for mum as well.

21-06-07, 22:38

Hope you are feeling a little better now and so pleased Alex was there to help.
Have a doggy hug from me !!



21-06-07, 22:44
Aww mate sorry I wasn't about for you this evening :mad:

Glad you are feeling a bit better now, try to find some you time over the weekend mate.

You know where I am if you do need to rant


Trac xxx

21-06-07, 22:44
Awwwwwww Nic:hugs:

Sorry to hear this but you have been under a hell of a lot of stress lately mate:lac:

Well done for coping and well done our Alex for being there:yesyes:

This too Nic will pass and you will be fine real soon mate:yesyes:

It does have a nasty habit of biteing us on the bum now and then:lac:

Take care both

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

21-06-07, 22:48

sorry to hear about the PA :(

But you know the odd panic attack means nothing, it doesn't mean they are back, far from it so no dwelling ok.

I hope you feel better tomorrow



P.S. It must have been a bad attack to leave half a kebab ;)

funky chick
21-06-07, 23:08
Hi Nic so sorry to hear about earlier and glad you feel better now and Alex was there for you. you have had lot of stress lately so probaly that you take care and be thinking of you tomo sending you love and hugs love Gail xxxx
(((((hugs))))):hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

21-06-07, 23:15
I am much better now - been up and down and worrying that it is all coming back - like you do!

I won't let it but blimey did I feel bad earlier. I guess the ones that come back after so long are hard cos they feel so bad and you forget how bad you can feel and how scared - I was terrified.

I can really empathise with people suffering at the moment cos I had them for over 10 years and then they went and tonight was such a shock.

I appreciate all the replies and support.

I think I posted just to let you know that I still do know how you all feel so I am not someone on the outside that is cured and can easily tell you all how to do it.

I still need support too at times and I always get it on here so a big thanks.

21-06-07, 23:21
Hi Nic, so sorry you have had an attack, so lucky to have someone there though with you.
Mine have become more frequent last few weeks, maybe weather. I should do same as you, msn.
anyway, hope you are OK and get stronger over weekend.

21-06-07, 23:35
Sorry to hear your having a bad time at the mo Nic.Its horrid when you dont have one for ages and wham you get a big one.This happened to me last year.It will get better.:hugs:
http://www.yourcoolprofile.com/Images/Hugs_And_Kisses/images/hugs-kisses--02.gif xxxxxxxxxxx:hugs: xxxxxxxxxx

21-06-07, 23:36
Hi Nicola...

Sorry to hear about your crappy panic attack, but well done to your other half for talking you through it.

Like you, i use to get them daily and sometimes 2,3,4 times a day, but isn't it funny how quickly we do forget how horrendous panic attacks feels. 3 months ago, when i had my first one for 18 months or more, to me (and i am a very weak minded person) it just reaffirmed all my fears over again...hence almost being housebound now :(

Hope you have a better day tomorrow...


22-06-07, 06:18
Hi Nicola, very sorry to hear about your panic attack.They are really scarey aren't they? Maybe it would help you to think that you haven't had one for ages so if you have been panic free for a long time then there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to do that again.I have read somewhere that it's best to avoid very spicey food because it's a stimulant and it sounds as if there is quite a lot of stress right now with the build up to the conference and the funeral too. Hope you settle down and feel much better soon-sending hugs, Bubble xx

22-06-07, 07:03
Oh Nic,

It's still so frightening having a full blown attack even when you haven't had one in a long while.

I also don't have them very often but when I do, I still feel very scared and worry that I'm going back to square one :mad:

Hope you are feeling better today. Be kind to yourself and you will continue to move forward.

Love Kate :hugs:xxxxxxxx

22-06-07, 07:14
awwwww Nic , it sounded horrible but I think most people would panic if they couldnt breath, maybe those kebabs were just too spicy for you ?
Thing is , like my doctor tells me .......
If you have any medical condition, then it will come and go, but you must not dwell on it (not easy ).

The most important thing is not to start any avoidance behaviours and be proud that you went 3 whole years without a panic attack !!!

22-06-07, 09:29
Ugh, that must have been so horrible Nic.

Hope you are feeling tons better today!


Not so long ago I had a 'funny turn' when I was eating a pickled onion! I've always loved pickled onions, and onions in general (could that be why there seems to be an invisible line around me that people do not wish to cross lol ??)

All of a sudden years ago I was eating raw onions and had a very severe reaction so have avoided them ever since :(.....

until a few months ago that is. I thought I'd give it a go again as I was getting withdrawal symptoms !! I felt a bit apprehensive as I put it in my mouth and started crunching - and then it hit me, just like you. Hubby had to talk me through it and thankfully it subsided. I have no idea whether it was the actual onion or just the thought of maybe reacting like I did the last time that brought on the pa but I haven't tried it since to find out! Must find the courage to one day though!

Anyway, I hope you have a good day today!


22-06-07, 09:35
Hey Nic!

no wonder the old panic crept up. You are busy preparing for the conference, I imagine that must take a heck of a lot of doing AND you are psyching yourself up for a funeral which is never nice AND in the back of your mind you are thinking 'I have to be strong for mum' which although you want to do that, is a pressure on yourself.:hugs:

I do understand what you mean about Alex being great but not understanding what a panic attack feels like. My hubby is great too but he just has never had anything like this. it is great that he is there though and does the reassurance.
Hope today goes well. Have another :hugs:


22-06-07, 09:43
I used to think that I would rather have them regularly than out of the blue when I've forgotten what they're like - cos when you have a big gap you do forget how bloody terrifying they are don't you.

Have a special squeeze my lovely!! :hugs:

Oh and Nic have you ever read 'How to change your life in 7 days' by Paul Mckenna it comes with a cd. No it doesn't change your life in 7 days but there is something about it that's doing something to me and my mindset!!:yesyes:

I have 2 special men in my life, Glenn Harrold and Paul Mckenna - I'm sorta married to Glenn (he keeps me steady and calm) but I have been having a raging affair with Paul the last 6 weeks and one comforts me and the other gives me a high!! Do try it hun!!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

22-06-07, 10:08
yeah paul meckenna keeps me calm, thanks piglet I forgot I have his cds.

Nic, thing is everyone has a panic at some time or another , even if they dont realise it, for example I spoke to a lady in a shop who said that she nearly run a boy over in her car , and that her heart was pumping like mad and her legs went like jelly, YET she didnt say I had a panic attacks cos she doesnt realise what she had, and my husband passed out at the dentist,lol, he said he went all tingly over his head and passed out "with fear" but he didnt say I had a panic attack. And my mother choked on a peanut and couldnt breath and started waving her hands and later told us her heart went so fast and she was terrified.
Do you see what Im getting at ?
Cos you have had panic disorder before , you think it will come back again, that is your main fear I imagine ? but your just normal, having a one off (like everyone does).
Hope thinking about this helps.
take care and take it nice and slow xxx

22-06-07, 11:36
im so sorry you had another attack, hope you feel a bit better today.
kate xx

22-06-07, 12:11
hope you feel better soon nic
love debera:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

22-06-07, 12:27
Hi Nic,

Sorry you had a panic attack bud, they are extra nasty when taking you unawares. Have lots of hugs.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I'm glad you're feeling better and will be thinking about you today. As others have said you've had a huge amount of stress recently so maybe this panic attack was your body's way of getting rid of it all. It's fantastic news that you've not had a panic attack for 3 years as it shows how infrequent they've become. Of course it's natural to have doubts but i interpret Claire Weekes idea of acceptance as accepting negative thoughts will creep in. To counter this you gently push them away with positive thought while not punishing yourself.

Take care bud,

22-06-07, 12:45
Hi Nic,

So sorry to hear you've had this crap - I can understand how an unexpected one can knock you for six so badly - they must be like the ones that hit you in the middle of the night :mad:

You'll soon be back to normal - it just takes time.

You have done so much for people on this site so just imagine the whole NMP gang giving you a gynormous squeeze!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

22-06-07, 21:02
Thanks everyone for all the support and advice :hugs:

I will post more tomorrow as I am feeling pretty awful tonight and just need to chill and calm down.

It has been a horrid day and I just want it to be behind me and move on.

22-06-07, 21:26
Aww Nic, sorry you have had a really bad couple of days mate :hugs:

It's been very stressful for you recently. I am glad you had Alex there to help and comfort you. Looking forward to seeing you again next week at the conference :hugs:

It is harder for us to take our own advice. When talking to others we have a clearer perspective free from the emotional hijacks involved in our own situations. It is ok to ask for help and support from others at times. We all need it.

Hope you have a calmer weekend and feel a lot better tomorrow :hugs:

Karen xxx

22-06-07, 21:28
(((((((((((((BIG HUGS NIC)))))))))))

Thinking Of You:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

23-06-07, 09:35
((((Hugs for Nic))))

Hope you are feeling a little better today?

Personally I think the scariest thing no more is when you havent had a panic attack for some time and then WHAM one comes back with vengeance totally out of the blue, but what we have to try and remember is that we have beat them once and they wont beat us again(wise words for one who never takes her own advice!!!lol)

:hugs: For nic

23-06-07, 15:03
Do you feel abit better today sausage??? :hugs:

Piglet :flowers:

23-06-07, 18:05
I hope today has been better Nic :hugs:

Karen xx

Granny Primark
23-06-07, 18:31
Hi nic,
Only just seen your post.
I really do empathise with you. Its just so scary when seemingly for no reason at all we have a huge panic attack.
It knocks our self confidence back and also makes us fearful of them again.
I was once told to think of it as a cup. The cup gradually fills up with anxiety then it overflows. Hence the panic attack.
Hope your feeling better.

Take care

24-06-07, 18:32
Thanks for all the comments.

I was going to post about how awful Friday was but then I decided that it would serve no real purpose and would just be re-inforcing the feelings I had and how bad I felt.

Yesterday wasn't too bad - I folded over 350 leaflets and we are on top of the conference stuff now so I am calmer and happier.

Mum was in a bad way on Friday - she is very upset and I got upset trying to comfort her but it is over now and she says that she feels slightly better today as well.

Thanks for all the support and replies - it means a lot to me.

24-06-07, 18:39
Glad you are feeling a bit better today Nic :hugs:

Sounds like you've been really busy too! Looking forward to seeing you again next week :)

Karen xx

24-06-07, 19:12
Hi Nic:flowers:

Glad you are feeling a bit better today:yesyes:

Big:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: for you and your mum

Luv Kaz x x x

24-06-07, 19:19
Hi Nic

lovely to hear you and mum are feeling much better !!:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I am calmer and happier.:yesyes: :yesyes:

:hugs: :hugs:

25-06-07, 10:08

Love Piglet xx

25-06-07, 10:53
Dear Nic,i have only just read this post hun..oh i am so sorry you had a bad panic hun..when they come out the blue like that it is terrifying..imust confess to having a bad time myself nic..all down to stress hun..but it does make you feel 'oh god not again ,PLEASE!!:weep: ' So you know why this happened[not the kebab hun ,that was merely a trigger..same as gg and her onions:) ]Adam ,like Alex ,is supportive but had never had feelings of anxiety ,[ well not like us as they happen for no apparent reason]in his life!I was unaware you had a car accident too Nic..i am sorry ,truly:flowers: My driving is down to you and your thread,so i am sorry i missed that post hun..it must have been awful for you.As for the funeral..that will take it iut of you hun too.My Mom's brother would have been 68 last wednesday,and i send flowers to her etc...but it is hard to see your mom upset hun,i do understand that..cut yourself some slack Nic..please hun..you deserve tofeel well again ,you do so mich for us on here..always around if you fancy a chat..hey I MUST GET MSM..ON MY OPC.or is it m an s..or sms..or sos..oh Whatever:D Loads a love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

25-06-07, 19:00
hey I MUST GET MSM..ON MY OPC.or is it m an s..or sms..or sos..oh Whatever
LOL Paddie!! :yesyes: It's MSN btw :winks:

Karen xx

21-07-07, 23:43
I'm so sorry. Panic Attacks are NO FUN!!! I wish I could go 3 years between mine though! :winks: I do want you to know that I really, REALLY appreciate this site. You are doing a great thing here and keep up the good work. It is the best site I have ever found on the web and just chock full of information.

22-07-07, 00:19


:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
