View Full Version : Head tension & twinges - bricking myself

21-06-07, 22:20

I could really do with some words of reassurance if poss. For about two weeks, I've been having the feeling like the muscles in my neck and over the top of my head have been extremely tight. Its also felt like Ive had a red hot needle under my right shoulder blade.

I've recently got a new job at an art gallery which has meant long periods sat still with my neck cranked forward as I've been reading. My wife said that she thinks the tightness and subsequent head aches/twinges are due to neck muscles being stretched; obviously I'm thinking tumour. I also had a dizzy spell the other morning when I got up. It lasted for about 5 mins and then eased slightly, that put the fear of God into me.

I cant say that I've been conciously (sp) stressed lately, but my wife and I are expecting our first baby in Aug which is exciting but a bit unnerving too. I've been running round trying to get stuff as ready as I can, getting up early to make my wifes packed lunch and to driver her to work too. I am feeling tired but then that in itself makes me worry that there might be something more serious the matter. I have been feeling dizzy too and this combined with the head twinges has got me really worrying. I dont want to fall back into the downward spiral of Health Anxiety that I have been in before, I just hope that I'm not giving proper acknowledgement to how busy my life is and that all of these symptoms might just be due to subconcious stress/anxiety.

As mentioned, any words of wisdom would be very welcome.

21-06-07, 23:20
Hi dan
Sound like your having a time of it at the moments, not suprised your getting these feelings proberly stress, but save the worry go and get checked out by doctors to put your mind at rest, then treat yourself to a good head
massage and take mum to be as well, go for it, good luck with baby arrival, thats when the fun begins!!! take it from me mum of 5 boys!!!

22-06-07, 01:49
Hi Dan,

I too have been getting the twinges and tension in my head for the last couple of weeks.

I went to get a massage yesterday and I was told no wonder I was getting these due to the tightness of my shoulders and neck.


22-06-07, 08:04
Agree its probably stress.

I been having problems which my head and thought I had a tumour, but now coming round to the idea its stress/anxiety because I get weird sensations int he ead, but my neck aches most morning and I get the odd shoulder pain aswell,

Definately agree that a massage would be good, but I know some people don't like them.

If it helps to go and see your doctor and they can put your mind at rest, then do that, because worry could only make it worse.

Good luck with the baby.

22-06-07, 15:52

It most definitely sounds like stress and tension to me

I have been getting really sinister pain and pressure in my head and other things going on,not like yours at all
Congratulations on the pregnancy and good luck with the baby

Hunny x

24-06-07, 12:18

I could really do with some words of reassurance if poss. For about two weeks, I've been having the feeling like the muscles in my neck and over the top of my head have been extremely tight. Its also felt like Ive had a red hot needle under my right shoulder blade.

I've recently got a new job at an art gallery which has meant long periods sat still with my neck cranked forward as I've been reading. My wife said that she thinks the tightness and subsequent head aches/twinges are due to neck muscles being stretched; obviously I'm thinking tumour. I also had a dizzy spell the other morning when I got up. It lasted for about 5 mins and then eased slightly, that put the fear of God into me.

I cant say that I've been conciously (sp) stressed lately, but my wife and I are expecting our first baby in Aug which is exciting but a bit unnerving too. I've been running round trying to get stuff as ready as I can, getting up early to make my wifes packed lunch and to driver her to work too. I am feeling tired but then that in itself makes me worry that there might be something more serious the matter. I have been feeling dizzy too and this combined with the head twinges has got me really worrying. I dont want to fall back into the downward spiral of Health Anxiety that I have been in before, I just hope that I'm not giving proper acknowledgement to how busy my life is and that all of these symptoms might just be due to subconcious stress/anxiety.

As mentioned, any words of wisdom would be very welcome.

I'm no doctor, but it sounds like a muscle problem or perhaps a trapped nerve (the needle-sharp pain under the shoulder blade). There aren't many more stressful times in a man's life than when he becomes a father for the first time - you may not realise it but I'm sure your mind is churning over this, it is bound to affect you.

I have a fear (not a phobia, I don't think) of visiting doctors or hospitals but I have found that it's best to see someone as soon as you can, otherwise anxiety about the problem makes it ten times worse and makes your life hell.

We zero in on anything unusual happening in our body and monitor it closely. We also tend to 'freeze' that part of the body, so any muscular problem is only going to get worse as a result. Of course, this 'proves' our theory that something is badly wrong!

25-06-07, 22:14
Had a really aching neck this last week, and a very uncomfortable back. I think I had been sitting/lying for too long, and not actually doing anything all week. Had a massage Friday and been running around all weekend. Feel much better now! :yesyes:

25-06-07, 23:12
Had a really aching neck this last week, and a very uncomfortable back. I think I had been sitting/lying for too long, and not actually doing anything all week. Had a massage Friday and been running around all weekend. Feel much better now! :yesyes:

You'd be amazed at how painful a tight or strained muscle can be, especially the large one on the shoulder blades or the diaphram.