View Full Version : Health anxiety and LBC

29-11-17, 14:37
Has anyone in the UK been listening to LBC recently? I've had it on quite a lot while I try to work on dealing with my latest flare up, and every ad break includes an advert for Cancer Research UK. It's the same ad over and over and over again. I must have heard it about 50 times in three days.

I know there's a lot of debate sometimes about how information is important and the appropriate extent of it, but this seems ridiculous to me. It hasn't triggered me as such, but I cannot understand what the point of repeating it over and over again is.

It just seems totally unnecessary to me.

29-11-17, 15:34
LBC is that the one with the political debates with Ferrari (what a name!), Farage & co on?

It seems to be a day for debates on the HA board! I expect Paranoid Viking will enoy this chat.

From my point of view as a non HAer, I'm desensitised to these ads. They are on the TV so much on every billboard I seem to walk past that I mostly tune them out. I've spoken to others who say the same and it makes me wonder about their effectiveness long term.

29-11-17, 15:59
There are a few TV channels that do the same with particular charity adverts. My stepdaughter's mum has ovarian cancer, so any cancer ads get muted sharpish if I catch them coming on as I know it unsettles her (she's 8, and I'm not sure exactly how much she understands. It's always more than you think).

The adverts don't bother me in a triggering for a particular disease kind of way, but sometimes you just want to switch off from everything and then they can get to me if I'm not having a good day (if that makes sense). Since having children, ANYTHING with children suffering in any way, whether it's a TV drama or an advert reduces me to a blubbering wreck. That's not HA-related though. I'm just an over-emotional blob!

29-11-17, 16:49
There are a few TV channels that do the same with particular charity adverts. My stepdaughter's mum has ovarian cancer, so any cancer ads get muted sharpish if I catch them coming on as I know it unsettles her (she's 8, and I'm not sure exactly how much she understands. It's always more than you think).

The adverts don't bother me in a triggering for a particular disease kind of way, but sometimes you just want to switch off from everything and then they can get to me if I'm not having a good day (if that makes sense). Since having children, ANYTHING with children suffering in any way, whether it's a TV drama or an advert reduces me to a blubbering wreck. That's not HA-related though. I'm just an over-emotional blob!

It's that time of the year for charity appeals. Have you seen the incredibly sad one about the child from SENSE (I think) who is def, dumb & blind? That one upsets me everytime I see it, that child & others like him have an incredibly hard time.

29-11-17, 16:54
I'm relative desensitised to an extent. The advert itself doesn't frighten me. It's the fact that it's every ten or fifteen minutes. In my tin foil hat moments, I wonder if there's s campaign to keep us living in fear. I know that's a bit far fetched, but o just think LBC are massively overdoing it.

29-11-17, 17:04
Repeating ads is solely a money thing. The more money spent, the more it's broadcast, that simple. Try watching HULU without the premium package. The same 5-6 ads over and over and over.....

Positive thoughts

30-11-17, 00:55
Why are ads, always louder :mad:

30-11-17, 00:58
Why are ads, always louder :mad:

I believe it's done to intentionally annoy us :lac:

Status: MUTE!

Positive thoughts

30-11-17, 01:03
Mute it is then.:D

30-11-17, 02:20
When you consider how many times you will see a sofa advert, they aren't that excessive really. We get bombarded with adverts selling but we tend not to notice them quite as much as they are separate companies but when one overdoes it, you notice then!

30-11-17, 08:09
Yep,like over here with Hardly Normal ads( Harvey Norman):D getting a bit tiresome. I sit on tomato crates.:D