View Full Version : Medication Concerns

29-11-17, 23:24
Now, I know this is not an immediate health anxiety question but it's something that concerns me (so I thought I'd 'put it out there' so to speak).

Does anyone have worried about the effects medication (for legitimate reasons/diagnosed health conditions) may have on your future health?

The reason I ask, is that I'm on a proton pump inhibitor (Esomeprazole/Nexium) for acid reflux caused by a small hiatus hernia. Now, I'm trying to reduce dosage (with doctor's support), although acid rebound can be an issue for a while. I know ppis are not advised long term due to possible long term side effects (curse you Daily Mail online), although some side effects are not proven and (as with many other drugs) only subject to small studies. Nonetheless, I'd like to eventually come off these tablets (if possible). When I initially went on them, I was suffering extremely bad health anxiety and had churned up my stomach. Plus I'd given birth only a few months before, all probably contributing to the reflux. Even though I've a small hiatus hernia, the gastroenterologist consultant told me that lots of people have small hernias that never really contribute to reflux. So it would be interesting to try and come off the ppis to see if things are better now.

The flip side, even if I do manage to come off, i worry about silent reflux damage to the oesophegus leading to posdible nasties and damage.

So that's where my health anxiety is at the moment (although not super anxious just mulling over the issue, although I know that where a spiral can start, however, I am being vigilant). Not particularly worrying about a particular issue happening now but a possible future one. Crazy eh!

30-11-17, 00:12
I have a bad back at the moment and the amount of medication I’m on is crazy naproxen x2 co codomalx6 gabapentin, diazepam. I hate it every single one and i usually try the day without any to see what I can get away with so I’m don’t have to take as much. I get worried too about what it does

30-11-17, 00:47
Ok ~lol~ Ready?

Lisinopril 10mg 2X daily, Carvedilol 6.25mg 2X daily, Clopedigrel 75mg 1X daily, Gabapentin 300mg, 2-3X daily, Protonix 40mg 1X daily, Aspirin 81mg, 1X daily, Zyrtec 10mg, 1X daily, Atorvastatin 40mg, 1X daily, Niacin 500mg 1X daily, D3 5000iu 1X daily and Colace 100mg 1X daily and Tramadol 50mg as needed.

That doesn't include OTC things like ibuprophen, Tylenol, antacids etc.

For me, NOT taking these medications would impact my life more negatively than dealing with any long term side effects as the side effects for not taking them could be my demise ;) Heck, you should have seen the side effect list of the chemo drug I had :scared15: But.... look at the alternative ;)

It's funny, you listen to a med ads here, it's like "Take armazine if you have amitisa handosis. It will help you live a normal life" followed by a list of side effects including things like anal leakage! :scared15: ~lol~ They have to tell you the potential side effects by law but it's really rare and they wouldn't prescribe it if they thought it would be detrimental or risky. So in the big picture, the pros always outweigh the cons and if it helps? Why the hell not?

Positive thoughts

30-11-17, 08:48
They have to tell you the potential side effects by law but it's really rare and they wouldn't prescribe it if they thought it would be detrimental or risky. So in the big picture, the pros always outweigh the cons and if it helps? Why the hell not?

This ^^

I remember back in 19oatcake when I was a youngster, there was a big contraceptive pill scare in the UK. The Daily Mail imploded with scaremongering excitement. Loads of women panicked due to the way it was misrepresented in the press (the risk being blown out of all proportion) and stopped taking their pills. A trail of unwanted pregnancies followed. If I'd stopped taking the pill I was on, I'd have been WAY more likely to wander under a bus as they were so heavy and I used to regularly faint without my pills, than I would have been to have a teensy tiny increase in the chance of a bad side effect happening.

Always weigh up the pros and cons and discuss both with a medical professional before making a knee-jerk decision would be my advice.

30-11-17, 19:10
Thanks guys, totally agree! I am definitely going to follow the doctor's advice. Also, I'm going to avoid Daily Mail online!!