View Full Version : Could anxiety and depression cause this?

30-11-17, 05:46
So I go through phases where my anxiety and depression is very low. I almost feel “cured” in a sense. Then all the sudden it comes back. I’m wondering if the changing of the seasons triggered this, (or that I’m coming down with a cold which triggers it) but lately I’ve been feeling extremely off. I have no interest in doing anything but laying in my bed. I don’t want to see my boyfriend, I don’t want to work, I don’t want to do anything which I would normally love to do. Nothing changed, I don’t understand why I am feeling this way. Could this be my depression? I am terrified that I’m never going to feel normal again. What if I never get my “normal” feelings back. I haven’t had a sex drive in a few weeks, and I’ve been very moody and sleepy. No- I am not pregnant. I talked to my doctor and she thinks starting a low mg of Zoloft might help. I am just extremely scared and worried I will feel like this forever. Is this normal signs of depression? My sister has depression and anxiety and has done excellent on Zoloft. I’m just really worried that I’ll feel like “blah” forever.

30-11-17, 08:57
Hi there

Yep, that's depression. If your sister has it, there's a good chance its hereditary like most illnesses are

I recommend you take the Zoloft

My mother takes the same antidepressant I started on

Hope this helps


30-11-17, 09:54
Hi Yes it's depression and yes all the symptoms you describe are me too, I would besides meds talk to your dr about therapy it can help too :)Does it get better? Absolutely Yes it does and some days are better than others it's a beast and a half to tackle though!! Hope you are feeling better soon ATB

30-11-17, 12:58
Firstly ... when do you feel these feelings as there are different grades of depression that can react better to other methods rather than meds? You could have SAD? Which therefore a SAD lamp could help? You could Have low grade depression which would respond well to talk therapies? Ask your dr to dig a bit deeper - before you kick off with meds - but ultimately
It’s your decision

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