View Full Version : Back/shoulder issues, anybody?

30-11-17, 10:09
A couple of weeks ago I started getting pain in and around my left shoulder blade, raidiating around into the upper back and occasionally right shoulder. Doctors said it was muscle knots and limited rom with possible muscle strain

However the last few days, I've had a different type of pain. The lower part of my left shoulder blade is very tender to touch/press, and I have tender spots on several places on my back when I press in. I also have a tight upper back when I bend forward. Sometimes my back feels cold too. Obviously I'm freaking out with worry! Could HA cause this?

I have been diagnosed with Chostocondritis years ago, but that was my right ribs. Also, the temperature has dropped a lot over the lats week

Anybody relate or had something similar?

01-12-17, 06:58
Yes, you might need to see the doc again for muscle relaxers.

01-12-17, 13:16
I've been going through this for months and it's currently my biggest HA worry. I went from worrying it was lung cancer, to some neurological issue, to Parkinsons, to spinal deformity. It started as a tightness in my left shoulder blade and now radiates round the side of my ribs. I honestly think it's muscle tension/weakness from poor posture which has led to worsening pain in my shoulder blade and ribs. But my HA says different of course. I definitely think the more I focus on it the worse it feels, so while HA might not be the cause it certainly will be making it worse or maybe even stopping it from getting better (constantly stretching, poking, prodding is probably irritating it worse).

01-12-17, 13:35
I have this all the time all over my back. For me it is just muscle knots honestly. And it can hurt quite badly at times, keeping me up at night. Here's what helps: Ice to reduce inflammation (20 minutes on, 40 minutes off), some type of massage -either professional or if that's not possible I take a tennis ball or lacrosse ball and lay on it on the spots that are sore. It hurts but it releases the tension and helps. Ibuprofen is also helpful as it is an anti-inflammatory. Long term - stretching and yoga has helped me greatly.

01-12-17, 14:17
Thanks. It seems to come and go. This morning wasn't too bad, but now it's centred in my upper back and left shoulder blade. It's a dull, crampy type ache. My HA obviously is going bananas!