View Full Version : Absolute train wreck

30-11-17, 14:39
Hi all,

Its been two years since I posted on this site and here I am again, with a vengeance.

In the two years I have had: MND, heart problems, a brain tumour, stomach cancer and leukaemia more times then I can recall.

Currently, I have not eaten for three days bar a few mouthfuls as I have convinced myself that I have food allergies and dare not eat. I have been to the doctors who has given me 2mg of Diazepam but not a chance in hell will I take them as I am petrified of anaphylaxis. I am just generally in a right pickle at the moment.

I work full time as a Staff Trainer and for the last two weeks, have had to go AWOL from work doing reduced hours as my anxiety convinces me I am seriously ill and something bad will happen while there. I then come home and spend literally hours reading up on my current fear of allergies.

I would state that I have never had an allergic reaction to anything, I have no allergies I am aware off and none exist in my family. However, I get rashes and my mouth feels funny when I eat which reinforces these worries further. The doctor said these are not allergies but anxiety but I just cannot let go of worrying about everything. This isn't living.

I am 34 and have three little girls who I cherish. My anxiety started when the first was born and has just got worse.

Anyway thank you for reading, I don't know what I am hoping to get out of this post I am just reaching out for some help.


30-11-17, 15:44
I can't help with your anxiety but can tell you I suffered the same anxiety for many years. One of the biggest things I have done to help myself, other than having therapy & CBT, is to stop looking things up on Google. It's not easy to do but believe me I have made great steps forward since I stopped looking online for things I think I may have it makes an already hellish anxiety so much easier to deal with.

Other than Diazepam do you take any other meds to help if not you might find taking some anti depressants might help I take Mirtazapine @ 30mg and find this helps but CBT might also be of help to you. I'm sorry you are suffering at the moment but it can get better/manageable and you most defiantly not alone in your suffering.

30-11-17, 16:25

You really must stop googling. It's an important first step, maybe the most important one. Dr. google is not your friend and he will most certainly not cure you. Instead of coming home and sitting at your screen, get out and about, go for a walk, go to the shops. Do some gardening, find a hobby that will distract you. Anything to keep you away from the screen.

30-11-17, 18:01
Thank you for the replies :)

Dr Google rarely helps, I know what you are saying makes sense its just the strange sensations I get in my mouth after I eat freak me completely out.

30-11-17, 19:59
You have had a lot to deal with and when you have kids you feel more responsible for always being there and being healthy. Trust me if you had allergies you would not have got to where you are now without knowing about them. Try to eat small amounts of foods you have eaten loads so you know they are 'safe' for you to eat and build some strength up. As the others have said try not to google as you won't get the answers you need. Do something with your kids instead, a trip to the park or a game of football or a board game to distract your mind.


30-11-17, 21:50
You have had a lot to deal with and when you have kids you feel more responsible for always being there and being healthy. Trust me if you had allergies you would not have got to where you are now without knowing about them. Try to eat small amounts of foods you have eaten loads so you know they are 'safe' for you to eat and build some strength up. As the others have said try not to google as you won't get the answers you need. Do something with your kids instead, a trip to the park or a game of football or a board game to distract your mind.


I cannot thank you enough for this reply, qualified or not (not been funny / sarky) I found great reassurance in this reply. I have just eaten some crumpets and noodles, mainly because both said "Wheat" in allergens so figured one was good as other, little steps though :D

30-11-17, 22:03
Happy to help where I can with any reassurance I can give. Hope you feel better for having eaten. Keep going you can do this.