View Full Version : Just need to talk....shoulder blade/rib pain

30-11-17, 16:09
I suffer from health anxiety and get a bad wave of it that lasts for a few months at least once a year. Right now I'm worried about pain I've been getting under my shoulder blade and round my rib area. It started as a slight tightness when breathing/sneezing etc and over months has got worse to the point I'm in agony and feel like I've cracked a rib. Rationally I know it's probably just been weak muscles from bad posture/repetitive strain (I work at a desk) which has maybe caused a problem with my ribs but I can't stop my mind racing, worrying about all sorts. I went from being scared I had lung cancer and now it's moved on to some terrible condition that will end in me needing surgery or in a wheelchair or something. It has gone on for so long I feel like I'll never get better. I have an appointment to see about it next week but I'm scared to even go incase they tell me something terrible. I'm just at my wits end and hate feeling this way. Usually visiting here and talking about it helps me so I'm giving it a try again, to remind myself there are others going through it.

I just feel so frustrated too because I was doing so well for ages but my sister died suddenly a few months ago and I know this has set me back and now i'm back to worrying constantly and expecting doom and gloom round every corner. I know losing someone doesn't make it any more likely that something else terrible will happen but my irrational thoughts keep shouting louder than the rational voice.

01-12-17, 00:57
I'm going through exactly the same worry with my ribs. I have a floating rib that has caused me pain for a year but now all the ribs on my right hand side and moving into my chest hurt. I've had 2 xrays, both were fine - but I'm quite convinced I have bone cancer. I have an MRI referral but I'm too scared to do it incase they find something. It's an all-consuming worry that I have 24/7. And my doctors always put everything down to just straight HA. One doctor said 'in order to be healthy and not get cancer, you need to stop worrying about cancer'. That didn't help at all! Good luck with your appointment!

01-12-17, 06:21
So sorry about your sister. That is a part of the body that generates pain very easily- there is such a complex network of muscles there. I frequently get pain in my shoulder/upper back and it does seem to be very common. You will be fine. Let us know what the doctor says.

01-12-17, 07:13
So sorry about your sister. That is a part of the body that generates pain very easily- there is such a complex network of muscles there. I frequently get pain in my shoulder/upper back and it does seem to be very common. You will be fine. Let us know what the doctor says.I've had rib/sternum pain for 6 months. Comes and goes with intensity. Doc put it down to costochondritis and gave me anti imflamatries but not really helping. Try resting the area.

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01-12-17, 08:46
Well your symptoms do seem to fit perfectly with that. Most people would not be worried about it- but HA sufferers find it very hard to accept the likely explanation for symptoms. I know only too well!

01-12-17, 11:47
Thanks for your replies. I felt a little better yesterday after forcing myself to leave the house and see some friends but the pain is still as bad as ever. I now picked up a cup of tea at work this morning and think I have tremors in my hands, which of course could be the muscle weakness or the anxiety but now of course I'm worrying about Parkinson's too. :doh::wacko:

01-12-17, 12:16
Ha ha! Of course you are!

01-12-17, 13:39
I would say I have this type of pain almost daily in some shape or form. Have you done anything, like yoga/stretching/ice to try to relax the muscles? Maybe a massage?