View Full Version : Stress/symptoms

30-11-17, 18:16
Hi everyone.
So i've came here today to talk about my experience with stress related symptoms and if anyone else experiences these.

If I get stressed or upset, I tend to get really lightheaded, go numb and have weird chest sensations. Now I understand this is normal for anyone, but with me it tends to last for the rest of the day, where as i'd expect for another person to last momentarily.
Most of the time anyway im lightheaded and blurry but I accept these could be caused by anxiety. But when i get stressed it seems to maximise those symptoms and I find myself on the verge of a panic attack for the rest of the day at least.

I know these are probably common for people that suffer from anxiety (particularly health anxiety like me, so ive been told) so I was just wondering if anyone experiences this? And how they deal with it?


03-12-17, 04:12
Hey JayDee!

I think what you're experiencing is quite normal for someone with anxiety and panic disorder, as well as health anxiety. In the past, I've gone through very similar bouts, where I'd feel very lightheaded/stressed all throughout the day, often triggered by one small episode with long-lasting after-effects. If you consume caffeine or other stimulants, have a subpar diet, and don't get enough sleep, these can have a cumulative effect on how severe your anxiety will feel and how long it will last, at least in my experience (and based on what I've read from a lot of people and medical advice). If you haven't been to your doctor recently, it may be helpful just to ask him or her for peace of mind and get some blood work done and to also see about antidepressants, which I've heard from many people are very effective in treating anxiety and panic disorder, if they think it's a right fit. Last year, I was on the verge of seeking those myself, but after I went through a long bout of depression, I came out in the end with no panic attacks and much less anxiety! So it's altogether possible you're just in a hot patch of anxiety right now that will fade back into normalcy at some point, but rather than wait it out, it may be better for you to proactively try and minimize it with whatever healthy steps are viable, starting with the three things I mentioned before and perhaps a talk with your physician. And if your health anxiety is getting the best of you, as it often does to me, and there are specific things going on with your body that you are scared about or confused about, the best thing I think is to have your doctor look at it rather than imagine what it might be and potentially torture yourself (which I think many of us on this forum are guilty of :).


03-12-17, 05:17
I go through stages of feeling light headed. For me it can last for days. The doctors checked me out, blood tests etc. She has said it is anxiety related.

03-12-17, 16:30
Thanks Colton for such a detailed reply! Its reassuring to know im not the only person going through these things, and hearing your ways of coping with it, I just find it crazy how all of these problems can be caused by anxiety. I do tend to get alot of lack of sleep, and have stayed off the caffine ever since this started for me months ago. I guess just stay positive and be healthier!
And thanks for your input Panicless, it can last for days for me too, sometimes with just minor breaks.
Thanks everyone

04-12-17, 02:49
I absolutely have those same symptoms and they’re never short lived unfortunately. I honestly think that once I experience the symptom, my body is constantly scanning for the symptom for the rest of the day or days, causing my anxiety to stay high. As far as how I deal with it - just tell myself it’s anxiety and try to move on, not hyper focus on every little twinge. Finding distractions helps me too, reading a book or watching some TV. It gets easier the more you do it ��