View Full Version : sharp chest pain right in heart

22-06-07, 03:09
i know this may sound like a silly question since most of us have heart pain but does anyone have really sharp shooting pains right in the heart area? like right where my heart is it takes my breath away for just a moment? also sometimes have these through out chest and lungs. Also the other day i had an episode where it felt almost like my heart was kinda bubbling or butterflying but it lasted so long i thought i was going to pass out and it made me feel weak????

22-06-07, 07:36
sounds like digestion problems to me , years ago I had the exact same symptoms, a bubbling sensation and notised it came more after id eaten even tho it didnt feel like indigestion. I found out I had h plyori infection which was causing the sharp pains, doctor gave me antibiotics which sorted it.

22-06-07, 17:05
Yes, this sometimes happens to me.

I was told by my dr that it is constricting of the heart muscle due to stress, anxiety what have you.

You don't have to be having any anxiety at the time...but the heart is a muscle and when it is overworked through time with anxiety it becomes sore just like any other muscle.

It does NOT mean you will have a heart attack, it just means your heart is reacting to the stress.

09-06-10, 00:41
im getting it now and tbh its very worrying, like a sharp pain that comes n goes exactly how you described it

Going home
09-06-10, 01:01
There is also alot of muscle around the heart and these muscles are within the chest wall and can be very painful if there's alot of tension going on, so you could be feeling the pain from these chest wall muscles rather than the actual heart itself. Yes your heart is a muscle also but its so powerful that it can take any amount of stimulus without caving in. Yes you might feel it fluttering or thumping, and there is also evidence that an irritated stomach can sometimes for some people mean an irritated heart, but if you're worried about it then see your doctor to rule out any problems with your heart.

Anna xxx

09-06-10, 01:08
Iv had something similar, but its when I breathe in deep or breathe out quite deep, and i have to sit their for like 5 minutes maintaining a steady breathing pattern so it doesnt hurt.

09-06-10, 02:17
I have also had the same and it turned out to be my pectoris muslce which is close to the heart. In the end a Chiropractor sorted it out for me and I was VERY grateful!!

09-06-10, 07:05
I get sharp stabby pains in my heart area and my chest/lungs too. My doctor and psychiatrist have both reassured me 100% that they are not heart pains, just muscle pains from the muscles surrounding the heart and possible the inflammation of something to dow tih the ribs, neither of which is dangerous in any way, just painful and uncomfortable. I also get the fluttery heart feeling sometimes too, very uncomfortable. I think it's more the anxiety over the feeling that makes me think I'm going to pass out rather than the feeling itself. But when it actually happens I can't think like that, I just go 'Oh no my heart!' Check in with your doctor for some reassurance if need be :) They'll be able to tell you that it's not your heart but can give you detailed resons of what else it may be (keep in mind sharp and stabby pains are generally not dangerous, just muscle strain).

sarah jayne
09-06-10, 08:44
I get this alot. It happened last night, i was relaxing watching tv then all of a sudden i got i really sharp pain in my chest, it went through to my back, of course straight away i started panicing that it was my heart, even thoughit only lasted secondeds i was scared for the rest of the evening. Its happened alot over the past week and it scares me every time but i keep telling myself that it must be harmless cause im still here. I mentioned it to the doctor the other day and he didnt even check my heart, pulse, blood pressure or anything, he said it was cause he is so confident there is nothing wrong with it.
Sarah x

09-06-10, 20:42
I had a short ,dull kind of burning sensation below my collar bone today and it seemed to go right across.. I think though it may be an indigestion, windy type thing.