View Full Version : Can't fuction - lung cancer fear.

01-12-17, 10:00
Hi all.
I have spent hours on this site in absolute terror. I am a 66 year-old smoker (trying everything to give uo) and am in real panic. Found blood on my pillow about 6 months ago and went for a chest x-ray which I was convinced would show signs of lung cancer. Was told a week later that it was 'normal'. I also have a slight niggle in my upper back. Read the headline news about missed diagnoses in Portsmouth this morning and have returned to a feeling of utter panic. I know that if I am really ill it has been self-inflicted and deserve little sympathy. I just find it hard to function as I think of nothing else. My main concern is those around me and would hate them to suffer because of me. This is a horrible situation to be in.

01-12-17, 10:31
Of course you deserve sympathy! It is indeed a horrible situation to be in. It sounds to me like you do not suffer from a health anxiety disorder, but a particular worry about lung cancer alone. Do you think your worry would go away if lung cancer was ruled out?

In the light of your negative chest X-ray lung cancer is unlikely, but I would suggest you discuss your fears with your doctor because there are more sensitive tests that can be done. A chest CT scan, for example, would definitively rule out lung cancer.

If you do not suffer from a health anxiety disorder (only you will know the answer to this!), a test like this might solve your problem.

I hope you feel better soon. And please don't stop trying to quit smoking. You can do it!

01-12-17, 15:00
I hear ya on this fear!!! I have been in a terrible lung cancer panic the last 4 months (although my fog is lifting). I have never smoked BUT I developed a persistent cough, wheezing, and some chest pains over a one year period. I have had two xrays over a year and was given a CT last Feb for chest pain (they thought it was a clot since I had elevated d-dimer), and all has been clear. Like you, it was hard for me to move on from this fear on the basis of xrays and a long ago CT. Like you, I read all the misdiagnosis stories and how doctors often treat for asthma, don't image properly, and miss the cancer entirely. I was diagnosed with asthma on the basis of nothing really, just talking to the doctor!! And you have to wonder, do actual doctors even GOOGLE cancer horror stories? lol

EVen though it's hard, I think we have to find a way to trust the process. First, blood on the pillow does not mean it came from your sputum (could have been nosebleed) and, if it hasn't happened since 6 months, that is a great sign! Plus, you most likely would have had an intensification of symptoms over 6 months (I mean, that is a lot of time for a lung cancer progression), so if you haven't had any new symptoms, that is a good indication that your lungs are just fine!

I am not passing judgment, and I have never smoked, and I don't totally get why it is so hard to quit--- but try to find a way to quit :-) A lot of smokers never develop lung cancer, but quitting at any age actually does decrease your risk and also keeps your lungs healthier. I have had so much trouble with my lungs this year that I very much appreciate how important it is to keep them in great shape, because losing lung capacity is a total drag, and my problems were pretty minor. I can't imagine how people with COPD feel! Or people that develop smoker cough!! I have coughed for 8 months out of the past 12, and it is terrible, uncomfortable, embarrassing, annoying. NOt saying these scenarios WILL happen to you, but it is possible, so off my sopabox now :-)

There are also lung cancer screening CTs readily available that are fairly low cost and also lower radiation. With your age and smoking history, you qualify for these automatically. So, there is always that option if you want to start screening your lungs. I am not a candidate for them, unfortunately, but I read about them and they actually seem to reduce lung cancer mortality (which is better than mammograms for breast cancer mortality). So, that's just a thought.

Otherwise, in your shoes, I would feel good that you have not had progressively worsening symptoms over 6 months, plus a clean xray!!!

01-12-17, 16:19
Blood on your pillow could mean a number of things. Maybe you bit your lip in your sleep?

My mom was diagnosed with stage IV non small cell lung cancer back in June. She never spit up blood, or had pain in her back. She had a cough that lasted a few months. She finally went to the hospital one day because of severe chest pain. That's when they found the cancer.

You've had a clean X-ray. If you're really concerned, ask for further testing.

03-12-17, 13:21
Thank you all for your sensitive and wise replies.