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View Full Version : Visible raised artery between thumb and index finger. ALS. Freaking out!

01-12-17, 11:32
Hi all,

Totally new here, but I've been finding the resources a source of comfort in what is without doubt the most dismal time of my life. I've been out of my mind with ALS worries lately, and experiencing muscle twitching everywhere and aches that come and go. What really has been off deep end is the fact I can SEE the raised artery between my thumb and index finger pulsing away and I'm freaking out because I'm worried it's a sign of atrophy? Does anyone else have this? I should point out, I'm not skinny either.

Many thanks.

03-12-17, 04:35
Hi LazyStar,

The chance of it being ALS is extremely low. Are you experiencing any muscle weakness (primarily in the hand that's twitching), and not just in your head (perceived weakness)? If twitching and some muscle pain is all you're experiencing, then it's most likely BFS or anxiety. Remember, fasciculations come *after* noticeable muscle weakness with ALS, so you have no reason to worry about that being the problem. Not only that, but ALS twitches are usually invisible to the naked eye and need to be seen through a special light. I have BFS and my muscles twitch all the time. Aches and pains are also extremely common and could be the result of any number of things, from exercise to sleeping wrong to having bad posture. I know it's hard not to worry, since Google isn't exactly a source of assurance, but the vast likelihood is you're just experiencing benign twitches, and ALS isn't even something to consider without other diagnostic criteria. If you're truly nervous, seek some reassurance from your doctor! :)


03-12-17, 20:46
if you have bodywide twitches u are to 99% fine, als twitches are localized to the muscle thats weak.

ive had twitches all over for minium 4-5 years, im still alive ;)
i used to be very scared about this, but TRUST me - BFS like stated above is alot more normal than you think, and you dont get sensory symptoms with als.

04-12-17, 08:32
If you can move your fingers, you're fine. Stop looking up diseases. Atrophy in *** happens because the muscle has died and you can no longer use it.

06-12-17, 01:58
First I've heard of a "special light". Never read about that one on the ALS boards either