View Full Version : Honest Opinions Pretty Please! Trying not to let my weekend be ruined!

01-12-17, 18:27
Hey Everyone! So a little back story on 11/20 I went to the derm cuz I tried popping something on my neck that was kinda tender but pretty flat. It basically looked like a little pink mole. Well me being me never noticed it and freaked out and messed with it all day then tried squeezing it then even lanced it and tried popping it. So it was a mess the next day when I seen the derm who thought a cyst and gave me a steroid injection in it. The derm also told me that this was not cancer and nothing to worry about. Well it is still here not sore but here. So I see the P.A. today at my derms and she looks at it under her scope and says she sees nothing bad just looks like post inflammation from the injection and me trying to pop it. I had her look a few times and asked what she thought and if it looked like melanoma and she said no. She said to use a steroid cream for two weeks and she can look again for me and if I choose we can biopsy for peace of mind. I asked if she thought it should be biopsied and she said no. I also showed her a pic of what it looked like before I messed with it and she said in her opinion it looked like a little mole but nothing worrisome. Ugh soooo the question... I am asking your help cuz my mind keeps saying nodular melanoma. Do you think this is anything sinister? I uploaded a pic of it from June and it was the same before I messed with it.

01-12-17, 18:30
You’ve had a dermatologist and PA both look at it and say it’s not melanoma. That, I believe, is all the reassurance you need.

If there was any doubt in their mind at all, they would’ve biopsied it straight away.

01-12-17, 19:09
I know and I want to believe that so bad and some of me does but this other part thinks its melanoma. Did you look at the photo?

01-12-17, 19:27
Honestly, whatever you’re looking at must be so harmless and normal looking, that I can’t even tell exactly what I’m supposed to be looking at from the picture. You should take solace in the fact that 2 people who are extensively trained to identify melanoma have told you outright you don’t have it.

01-12-17, 19:30
I'm with Dave, the opinions of 2 medical professionals is all you need and no, I didn't and won't look at the photo as my non-expert opinion won't do squat to quell your fears anyway.

Positive thoughts

01-12-17, 19:36
Lol thanks you two! It's like part of me knows more than likely I am fine but lurking in there is this stupid part that says but what if?! Ugh!

01-12-17, 19:41
Looks just like a little skin lump to me. I have stuff like that too. I would be reassured that two doctors thought it was fine. You're ok. Enjoy your weekend!! :)

01-12-17, 20:09
Thanks Leslie! I sure hope so! I just can't help but be worried they missed something =(

01-12-17, 20:15
Thanks Leslie! I sure hope so! I just can't help but be worried they missed something =(

You got 2 different opinions from melanoma experts Chelle! The odds of them both missing something are minuscule! If they had any doubt, they would’ve biopsied it without question. Leslie is right, enjoy your weekend!

01-12-17, 22:51
Thanks Dave! You have a good weekend too!

---------- Post added at 22:51 ---------- Previous post was at 20:35 ----------

So I come home and apply my steroid cream and I am back to freaking out think modular melanoma is spreading. I hate this so much.