View Full Version : Is Ignorance Bliss ?

22-06-07, 12:28
Hi everyone, As Ive mentioned on here many times before that my family has a strong history of subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Today I have been told that my cousin and uncle have both had a scan and found out they have the weakness. I was offered a test 3 years ago but couldnt face it, I had the idea that ignorance is bliss.

My aunt died of it in her mid 40,s.
My great granmother died of it in her 60's.
My great aunt died of it in her 30,s.
another great aunt died from it in her 40's.
My dads cousin survived it in her 40's.
Now My uncle has now been diagnosed as having the weakness and my cousin.

what is really scaring me is, I seem to take after my aunt, I look just like her and she used to always tell me I am just like her.
This has haunted me, what if I am JUST like her ?
what if I die just like she did ?
when I get dizzy like i often do out shopping ect, I think this is a worry in the back of my mind , that I am going to collaps and die like she did.
She had no symptoms or warnings.

The touble is , if I have the test and find out , then all they do is watch you and if there is a problem ,give you a operation which is mega risky anyway, thats why I never wanted to know but I feel like a time bomb, waiting to go off.

how can i deal with this ? I have read other people also have this fear but hearing about my uncle and cousin has really shaken me.

22-06-07, 17:02
If it were me I would get the test.

Yeah, the outcome may not be pleasant if it is positive ie:suregery etc.
However, at least you will know.
AND what if it's negative? That's a huge relief!
I would just need to know for myself.
If it is positive you might also look into alternative therapies if there are any.

I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I'm sure it's a terrible feeling to have. Good luck with your decision. :flowers:

22-06-07, 17:06
Hello Mirry !
This is a terrible thing you are worrying about. If it was me I'd have the test - if a scan did reveal concerns then at least you know you will be very closely monitored. However, there's every chance you are worrying unneccesarily. and this will take a huge weight off your shoulders. Do it. You're wasting years over something that may never happen and you need to get some peace of mind.
Be kind to yourself

23-06-07, 07:26
Get the test..........then if it does turn out you have the problem, you will be closely monitored, you can have a medic alert bracelet, so if it does happen, people will know what's wrong straight away and you have a much greater chance of surviving. I know it must be a horrible thing to live with, but if you have the test, at least you will know for certain, and what if you are clear? Wouldn't it be great?

24-06-07, 09:46
thanks for your help, I think i will find out. I will speak to my gp the next time i need to visit and face the music :blush: .

At the moment Im worried so i may as well be worried knowing, or even better getting the all clear.