View Full Version : Quivering lips, twitching eye still and twitches all over..... Still!!

02-12-17, 03:58
Hi All,
Same old same old, yesterday and the day before my eye would not stop twitching!
I've been trying really hard to not pay attention to it.
Now I've noticed that my lips are not the same size, my top lip left side is thinner than right side and vica versa on my bottom, my lips quiver whenever I do a half smile or pout or use them in any way - this has been going on about 4 months now - with the twitching coming into 6.
Neurologist says anxiety - I'm just not sure I believe him anymore.
I"m sleeping, eating well, I"ve stopped coffee, seriously I'm doing everything I can and still feel shaky internally and now externally, it's driving me nuts.
What else can I do?
Anyone experienced the quivering mouth???
What did you do?
I'm guessing our lips are not supposed to be symmetrical and I've gone through photos and my lip shapes have been the same for a couple of years so trying not to panic about that .. but I'm going insane guys, I just want these twitches to stop and the buzzing feelings and the quivering..... just .. agh I don't know.

---------- Post added at 03:58 ---------- Previous post was at 03:27 ----------

Ive googled and I can't find anything on quivering lips at all ... so is it really rare???

02-12-17, 04:48
Anxiety and stress really, really mess up our bodies and are a vicious self feeding cycle. You get anxious or stressed because of something you notice going on with your body, which makes you more anxious AND stressed and makes you exhibit more weird symptoms of the stress and anxiety.

I've been under a ton of stress at work for the last 6 months working on a huge project that is on a very tight timeline for the size of the project, and ever since the project started ramping up I've been having all kinds of physical symptoms of stress. It started out with some aches and pains, then my left leg started twitching, then it moved to my right, then back, then I started getting twitches in my shoulders, arms, hands and feet. All of this drove me into the cycle of googling and panicking, which made the symptoms worse or at the very least prolonged them. It all made work that much more stressful, which again made the symptoms worse.

That was a roundabout way to get to this, but I've had the quivering lips, eye twitches, facial twitches and buzzing sensations, along with a whole gamut of other random stuff. It was scary (and is still scary), but I saw an ER doctor, a walk in clinic doctor (who was amazing and supportive), and my GP and none of them found me interesting enough to refer me to anyone else. My GP read the two page document of my symptoms and the first question he asked was "What's going on at work?". It's hard to believe a doctor or specialist when they reduce your last weeks or months down to stress or anxiety, but (and I'm struggling with this as well) doctors, by and large, know how to ask you the right questions and observe you to figure out if your issues are caused by stress and anxiety, or some other underlying cause.

Hopefully this post helps, it's a bit rambly but I'm sitting here trying to ignore the tiny little twitch in my stomach that's been driving me nuts all day.

EDIT: ALSO! Stop googling! You (probably) aren't a doctor, you aren't trained to interpret your symptoms and the only thing you can hope to accomplish is to increase your anxiety and stress, which will make everything worse.

02-12-17, 04:53
Thank you - what did the ER DR say?? Do you get the quivering in your mouth if you half smile etc, I don't have it all the time and I really notice it when I look in the mirror and do weird shapes with my face. - Thank you for your response.
Yes I've had anxiety for years but recently over the last 6 months it's been really bad... plus a twitching for 5 months so really just it all GONE!

02-12-17, 04:57
My eye lid quivers all the time. I've really just gotten used to it. I hardly even notice it now. Sometimes I can feel it in my lip too, but that's less frequent.

Seriously, stop googling, that is about the worst you can do with this stuff.

I think my symptoms for the past few months have been related to having a baby (9 month old) while my wife and I work full time as well. That's been pretty rough on a number of levels. Now that she is part time I hope that my stress responses settle down a bit.

Honestly the best thing you can do is not engage with the worries just let it be. That bit and not google.

02-12-17, 05:00
Yeah I know - You'll see if you look at my posts that they are all the same and I know it's boring for everyone, I really do need to just suck it up and go f##k it.
I remember going to the dentist a while back and when I had to open my mouth wide it twitched, I remember being embarrassed but never thought much of it. So chances are it may be normal but I google tumor on nerve etc etc ... bloody HA ...

02-12-17, 05:03
The ER doctor did bloodwork, did some neuro tests, watched me walk and stand (though he did both of those without me knowing), and then talked to me about stress and anxiety.

My lips will quiver when I'm sitting with my mouth open if I'm really stressed or tired.

02-12-17, 05:53
Thank you x

---------- Post added at 05:53 ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 ----------

Congrats on the baby alt!!!

02-12-17, 14:15
Think of it this way. If there is an emoticon like this :scared15: with a twitchy eye that millions and millions of people use on their computers and phones, doesn't that tell you something?

Positive thoughts

02-12-17, 16:45
Think of it this way. If there is an emoticon like this :scared15: with a twitchy eye that millions and millions of people use on their computers and phones, doesn't that tell you something?

Positive thoughts

YES! I thought about this last night when my left lower eye started quivering. Also, you come across it all the time in novels. People are always twitching when they're emotional. It's a tell. Also, google the word "twitch" and you'll get a bunch of examples about twitchy eyes, cheeks, mouths in sentences. It's what we humans do. We twitch.

02-12-17, 19:28
The other day, I had a twitching eye lid it was constant nearly all day, I also had a twitching little finger. Then bang all gone. I worried like you when it first started to happen then I realised that it was all related to stress. What I tried to do was write a diary about what was going on in my day to see if there was a pattern, even some days that I got the twitch I wasn’t to stressed I knew it was still related to stress it takes a few days to calm down from high anxiety trust me.

03-12-17, 01:27
Thanks guys, its the quivering mouth thats getting to me...

03-12-17, 03:42
Yea having stuff like that around your mouth and face can be especially disconcerting.

04-12-17, 03:03
Weren't you giving up Googling? Show some will power.

04-12-17, 06:45
Yep, fair call but don't beat me while I'm down! I'm trying!