View Full Version : Stomach and bowels issues with anxiety.

02-12-17, 08:54
I've had a bad bout of anxiety the last 6 weeks. I've had anxiety 5 years but it comes and goes in severity. The last 6 weeks I hit a wall after some stress which led to panic attacks and constant general anxiety. My main symptoms has been through constant churning stomach, nausea and my bowels are in over drive.

Mornings are especially hard as I can go to the toilet twice in an hour and have loose bowel movements. No diorreoa but it's not formed well sorry. I have had this daily for 6 weeks. I have nausea, can't look at food so doing online food shops is hard lol, can't smell food or see people eat. So unlike me as I love food.

My husband says it's all anxiety that's flared it up but me being me I'm afraid I've developed an eating disorder as I struggle to eat as I feel so sick or bowels feel so windy I'm afraid to eat incase I'm sick or have the a bad stomach.

I graze on bananas, oat cakes, plain crisps etc during the say but at night I can usually manage a meal. Nothing too exciting but plain ish food. Some days I can eat lunch and it'll be a potato with cheese or something.

It keeps worrying me I won't ever eat well again and will I have these stomach and bowels issues forever. Some mornings my anxiety about ending up on the toilet with a bad tummy is so bad it can trigger panic and then yes I end up on the toilet in a panic having an upset stomach which have been horrible situations to be in. So I dread mornings now and often feel so sick I have awful mornings of panic and anxiety. Later in the day my stomach usually calms.

My husband thinks it's ibs, I suffered years ago.

Has anyone else experienced the same with their stomach during a bad anxious time? I usually have mild general anxiety, Agoraphobia and social phobia issues but my stomach has never been an issue. I had a flare of anxiety last winter near Christmas for 6 weeks and had bad nausea then but i don't recall it being as bad as this or bowels so bad. This bout of anxiety has been pretty bad and I've only been put twice in 6 weeks because of it. It's been horrible but things have slowly improved but I find this stomach and bowels triggers my anxiety every day as I fear ending up on the toilet in a panic attack with upset stomach or being sick.

I just want to eat normally again. I've lost some weight, about 5lbs in 6 weeks. I lost 8lb in 2 months lasts winter but put it all back on. I can afford to lose weight but it is worrying me. My husband said I'm eating less so of course I will lose weight so not to worry.

Sorry this got long. I'd appreciate any responses of anyone who has suffered this.

Thank you.

02-12-17, 16:06
I know how you feel. I have constant nausea when my anxiety is bad. I get constant stomach aches and rumbling stomach. I get constant nausea too. The thing with anxiety, no matter how mild or severe it is, it has a major impact on your gut. Your digestive system is really sensitive to stress and anxiety. Try eating light and often. That often helps me. I hope this helps a little bit.