View Full Version : Cat Claw and Tetanus Fear

02-12-17, 14:07
Hey everyone! I'm new to this forum and was trying to find more information on my issue. I'm not the type to worry about health issues but the fact i haven't had my tetanus shot in exactly 10 years this month has me worried.

Long story short my friends cat went to play and have fun but scratched the top of my foot. It drew blood a bit but I washed it with soap and water right away and applied polysporin. She's a indoor cat and never goes outside. So my only fear would be Tetanus since I'm exactly at the 10 year date for a booster. This happened Thursday night and it's now Saturday morning here, Am I overthinking ?

Thank you for any answers given :)

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02-12-17, 14:11
Thank you for any answers given :)

Yes, and you know it deep down too.

Positive thoughts