View Full Version : Here we go again.

Clydesdale Epona
02-12-17, 22:44
As some may know I recently a few weeks ago got a full body heat rash that was itchy and hurt really bad from an illness that required me to take antihistamines, that in short course went away however.
now I have about 10 minutes ago noticed three red spots on my chest, and now i'm getting sort of red itchy areas/spots in places but I think after a while its going away and popping up somewhere else.
I still have loads of antihistamines so thinking about taking one now but i'm just really worried it will end up being chicken pox or something. just like that I can't sleep and i'm checking my temperature every 60 seconds, thinking of taking a paracetamol for the sake of it but don't want to waste one. i'm really worried if I go to sleep i'll get a fever overnight and won't have time to call the ambulance or something :weep:

02-12-17, 23:04
Take the antihistamine, take the tylenol and go to bed. You've had it before and you didn't die. You'll be fine. You're freaking out for no reason.

Clydesdale Epona
02-12-17, 23:07
If it is chicken pox do you think it would be dangerous?
I haven't got any more spots so far but I think I do have a bit of fever going on, I've popped a dissolvable paracetamol and i'm hoping that will do something :weep:

---------- Post added at 23:07 ---------- Previous post was at 23:05 ----------

Hiya Antsyvee didn't see your post before I posted mine :roflmao:
it feels like a bit of a fever now so I've popped a paracetamol, I think i'm still a little too on edge to sleep so gonna try and relax a bit.
I sort of freaked out because I read if you don't have chicken pox and get them as an adult(i'm 17) they can be dangerous, might be worrying over nothing)

03-12-17, 00:02
Aren't kids vaccinated against that? Even if not, you have to have been exposed to it. Oh... and they don't come and go as you described. Take Antsy's advice.

Positive thoughts

Clydesdale Epona
03-12-17, 11:46
Thanks fishman,
its still really itchy today but there's no rash so i'm stumped lol
just going to take an antihistamine and hope that helps x

Best wishes :hugs: