View Full Version : Colonoscopy on monday and it's bringing back my HA

02-12-17, 22:52
So after my visit to psych ward I've been a lot better and have even managed to learn how to cope with panic attacks and got rid of benzos! Yay for me, I'm on the right trackt.
But the colonoscopy is freaking me out so bad! I get these intrusive thoughts again about how I could have cancer in my colon and how these slightly swollen lymph nodes could be metastases. Thank godness the appointment is so soon, I don't want to be the mess I was whole summer EVER again.

Anyway, this time I'm not looking for reassurance but please give me your best advice to keep sane until monday and if you've had colonoscopy did it hurt?

02-12-17, 23:13
Give yourself a break, those thoughts prior to a colonoscopy are quite normal....

My only advice for the procedure is to take all the sedation they offer...I got fobbed off with gas and air cos they were in a rush and had to stop the procedure 3/4 of the way through (to painful). Some people go through them like a walk in the park....others like me don't. So sedation all the way........oh and moist bum wipes for the prep the day before....emptying does make things a bit sore back there :-)

Sorry if that doesn't help much, I know lots of people that had one with no problems at all, but they all had sedation (hence my advice).

02-12-17, 23:36
I have them with no sedation, no gas and air - nothing and I am fine.

It really depends on the person to be honest.

03-12-17, 00:40
Take the sedation. Procedure seems over in like two minutes and you get a good sleep afterwards!!