View Full Version : Pregnancy Fear

03-12-17, 06:21
So, I’m pretty worried, okay terrified, and I’m pregnant. I’ve missed my period by 4 days now...I’ve taken two tests and both are negative but I’ve had weird feeling in my boobs and nipples, bloating, cramping, headaches...my husband tried to eat a few foods in front of me and it made me want to puke. I’ve made an appointment for Wednesday to see my doctor and discuss. Idk if I’m ready to be pregnant and be a mom and it’d be a total surprise. We are also going through some financial hardships due to helping my parents. My husband seems to think it’s either stress, although I’ve never missed a period except the one other time when i was pregnant but chose to terminate, or i ovulated late and it’s not getting picked up by an at home test. Guys idk what to do i haven’t slept and I’m real worried if I’m not pregnant that something is seriously wrong since i missed a period entirely.

03-12-17, 09:08
Sometimes stress and anxiety can cause our periods to be early/late. If you are 4 days late and you are pregnant, there should be enough of the hormone in your urine to show up on a home test. Have you bought an early response one? Normally those are more sensitive.

My period was late this month but I have been very anxious and stressed.

Thinking of you, I know how stressful this can be x

03-12-17, 14:14
Honestly if you got two negative tests you probably aren't pregnant. Lots of things can make our cycles off. Also I don't think a lot of people experience some of those symptoms (food aversions, etc) until they are at least 6 weeks pregnant so it is probably just your anxiety playing with your head.

But our cycles are SO sensitive - seriously. Anything can make them a bit late.

03-12-17, 16:25
Thank you for the reply’s! I’ve heard and read that stress can delay or just eliminate your cycle every now and then but i have been more stressed in the past and still had my period. I’ve never been late. I’m seeing my doctor Wednesday. If I’m for sure not pregnant than I’m going to have her run a complete blood test and hormone test. Im worried my something is wrong that made me late. And then my mind goes to well what if my period doesn’t come in the next few weeks?! I never thought I’d have to worry about this. Of all the things my period was something i can count on and now it’s just another thing that’s plahing games