View Full Version : Back pain and my health anxiety - help!

03-12-17, 09:13
Hi guys

So my back is in bits today. I suffer with 'degenerating discs' (diagnosed by a chiropractor via xray so not sure how much I trust this anyway) and have had back pain on and off for the last 10 years or so. If I do my core stability exercises it keeps the pain under control.

I have severe stiffness and sometimes some limited movement in my lower back, but my major problem is my shoulders at the moment!

When my anxiety is bad, especially my health anxiety - I find my shoulders are so knotted and painful (much be all those visits to Dr Google whilst hunched over a laptop!!) but seriously, how do I fix this?

It is like a vicious cycle... my anxiety and shoulder tension/pain go hand in hand.

My GP hasn't been helpful with this and just told me to ask my husband to give me a massage(!) I have a massage cushion thing I use but it doesn't help that much anymore. I have back knobber thing too which is sort of good.

Anyway today it is so tight and painful and it is making me so much more anxious! Can anyone relate? Any tips on dealing with this?


03-12-17, 11:21
I can completely relate and sympathise with the vicious circle of the pain causing anxiety/anxiety making the pain worse. I'm having terrible pain with shoulder/upper back just now and I've got myself so worked up about it I'm struggling to sleep.

Proper massages do help me, not only with the pain but the general stress from work etc that makes the anxiety worse. Are you able to get one even once a month? Stretching and exercise does help me too but I can't seem to find the self-discipline and time to do it every day regularly.