View Full Version : Can a child predict death?

03-12-17, 18:30
Well some of you are awake that i have horrendous health anxiety and worry alot about not being around for my kids. So last night me and my 3 yo daughter we're lying on the couch and she said to me "your going to have with papa next year" my father in law passed away 7 years ago and we talk alot about him being in have and looking over her. I'm now really worried because well why would she say such a thing out the blue? Im 31 weeks pregnant too which isnt helping this anxiety. Am i just being silly here?

03-12-17, 18:35
I'm convinced having had to children and being around them through the years that they are senile little old people ~lol~

They say all sorts of weird stuff! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37_7QPP-e10)

Positive thoughts

03-12-17, 18:36
I’m not sure that a 3 year old would fully understand about death and where her grandad actually is.

My daughter is 4 and a neighbour recently died and I explained that she went to heaven and we will no longer beable to see her but she can still hear us if you ever want to speak to her but she won’t beable to reply.

At 4 she really doesn’t know where she’s gone. So maybe your daughter thinks that you can actually go and see her grandad and not necessarily mean what you think she does.

Not sure I explained it right.

But no I don’t think that children can predict when people die.

03-12-17, 18:42
When I was a kid, I wrote a letter to my grandparents, who lived quite far away and we didn't see very often. In it, I told them that my grandad would be "dead soon". My parents found it hilarious and insisted I left it in.

He lived another fifteen years.

03-12-17, 18:46
I hope not because my son said to me before, 'I'm gonna miss you when you're dead' ��

03-12-17, 21:45
My three year old, whose grandad died a few weeks ago, said the other day "we should take grandad to the vet to make him better, like Oscar (our dog)". They don't understand what death is or means at that age and say all kinds of weird stuff. It means nothing, and no they can't predict anything.