View Full Version : Having a bad day today. Anxiety won't stop torturing me!

03-12-17, 18:38

My latest health anxiety episode began with esophageal issues in early October. Bothered me a little for about a month. Figured there must be a logical explanation but my health anxiety screamed esophageal cancer. So these thoughts brewed for a while. I finally spiralled in early November... complete panic and anxiety breakdown. Started my zoloft, saw my dr and therapist, relied on klonopin to keep the panicking at bay.

Ended up having a barium swallow test and started prilosec. I have been feeling better about the whole esophageal issues. Test was normal, symptoms seem to be waning.

The problem is the "secondary" anxiety I have triggered is unbearable. I am still increasing the zoloft slowly (at almost 75 mg) and using the klonopin.

I have been through this many times before, but this seems so much worse! Each time seems worse. I feel like I will never feel better! I am reading claire weekes book today but am feeling so depressed, anxious, distressed, exhausted, etc.

I'm learning that I have the inability to cope with fear. When faced with a fear, I end up having an anxiety breakdown and then the anxiety is what I fear! I am trying to accept it, float through it, tell myself to let time pass, cognitively convince myself this is just a feeling... but it doesn't seem to be working!

Just needed a sympathetic ear today, as I am really suffering.

04-12-17, 10:42
I'm sorry to hear you're suffering so much. It is so frustrating when you feel like you're doing everything suggested in the books but you still suffering.
I pray you find some relief very soon :hugs:

04-12-17, 20:42
Thanks so much Vicky for your support. It is frustrating! Especially since it is now affecting my sleep. There seems to be no relief at the moment.

I'm hoping this is just the hard part of waiting for the zoloft to take effect.

In the meantime, I have an appointment with my therapist this afternoon and was able to get an emergency appointment with my psychiatrist for tomorrow.

Hopefully that helps too...

04-12-17, 20:50
So sorry you are having such a hard day time. It really sucks doesn't it? Do you think you are feeling worse because of the meds? I'm on the same and they do cause an initial spike in anxiety.... it does settle after a while though....

04-12-17, 23:40
Thanks Jojo: I'm hoping it is the meds. I have taken zoloft before and it is a beast in the beginning. I am doing a very slow gradual increase.