View Full Version : Took a second job, feeling just so stressed..

03-12-17, 18:39
Ugh. I keep doing this to myself.

I currently work full-time at my local university. I really love my job, I'm getting great experience, work with awesome people, and I get to take some graduate courses for free. The only real downside is the pay is mediocre - it's enough to live on if I'm reasonably thrifty, but not really enough to quickly pay back loans or rent something bigger to live.

So, I decided to take a second job. I took a job delivering cookies in the evenings. It's a pretty decent job - the pay is pretty great and the work isn't hard. I've worked two days now.

I'm just really struggling with it for two reasons, beyond the normal new-job bummers:

1) The BIG one - I absolutely NEED to take off on the 14th. I volunteered that night and there's just no way around it. I texted my boss about it last night and she said she'd have to see what she could do. I'm totally unsure what I have to do if I can't take that night off.

2) I'm both kind of embarrassed at having to take a night time second job (being a college graduate) and also I worked in a restaurant several years ago and it was a really bad experience so that makes me nervous too.

I'm just kind of panicking, thinking I'm going to flake out and quit the job (especially if I can't get the 14th off). It has a high turnover rate, so it wouldn't be anything new for the company. Part of me feels really secure in the fact that this isn't my main source of income so I can always leave if I have to, but part of me feels really terrible and like a huge failure.

I just don't know what to do.

04-12-17, 07:49
Well, it’s nice that you can leave if you need too. That right there would calm me down. If it doesn’t work out, no biggy. If it works out, then great.

It seems like you are really overthinking it. Just see if you can get the 14th off ans go from there.

Good luck.

04-12-17, 10:35
The fact that you're working a full time job and an evening job is amazing! You should be so proud of working so hard, nothing to be embarrassed or feel a failure about at all!

Best wishes I hope you get sorted

04-12-17, 16:18
Thanks, both of you :) One reason I'm really committed to doing it is so that I can either spend a little more on rent next year or buy a house (which would be cheaper monthly but I need a down payment). I have two dogs, one is stuck living with my parents for now as he can't handle an apartment and I really want to take him back - which my parents want as well ;)

There are a lot of reasons I'm embarrassed by it, and many of them have to do with brother-issues. I've tried talking them out with a therapist but never really seem to get anywhere on that front.

I still haven't heard back about the 14th, but I'll see what she says.

04-12-17, 17:08
Hey Poppy, congratulations on finding something! I know a lot of people who work two jobs and if anything, I admire them, instead of judging them for it. I wish I could handle two! I'm just working on finding and maintaining one at this point, :roflmao:

If you get anxious about it, just think of it as "extra." Like you said, you don't *need* it to survive but it is making life a little easier. But if all else failed, you'd be okay.

Regarding the 14th, I'm sure the supervisor just needs to figure out if somebody can cover you that night. It sounds pretty routine. I hope they let you know soon though.

04-12-17, 21:33
swgrl09 - thanks :) I think being a college grad (I'm now in grad school) I feel like I should have landed a job that paid better. But like I said, I LOVE my job and there's lots of perks.

The manager hasn't posted the schedule for that week yet, nor has she answered me. I'm really hoping that she can get it covered and will let me know soon. I'm not sure when is "too soon" to ask again.

06-12-17, 20:38
So, good news...I managed to get that day off!

I'm thinking right now that I'm just settling into the routine of the job; figuring out how many days a week I'll typically be working, and all that. They're trying to hire more drivers too, which I think will be good.

I'm also very anxious about the work itself - I live in a pretty safe town, but have convinced myself that I'm going to get hurt or even die: that I'll be in a car accident or someone will jump me while I'm walking to my car or something. :lac:

08-12-17, 15:30
Excellent news you got the day off. Not so good you're anxiety is rearing it's head :(

08-12-17, 15:33
I'm glad you got the day off! I think with any new job it's normal to have some level of anxiety. Once you are used to the routes you are driving, I bet it will get easier.