View Full Version : Anxiety around concussion fear

03-12-17, 19:29
Hi all

I'm really concerned i've given myself (another) concussion. 2 weeks ago I lowered a pair of 30kg dumbells onto the gym floor from a declined seating position. I partially kept in contact with the weights to stop them bouncing off, so felt a bit of a jolt reverbrate up through my arms and neck, registering in my head.

I've been to my GP a few times since - they are adamant this is my anxiety and depression kicking in again due to the bombardment of so many major unpleasant life events that have happened in 2017. The hospital were unconcerned too.

I got hit in the head a number of times during thai boxing in 2015 during an out of control sparring session, where I didnt feel right afterward. I 100% believed I had sustained brain damage and was off work for 3-4 months, sank into severe depression. I recovered and no longer do martial arts - GPs and psychiatrist said 2015 was my depression, I was also diagnosed with hypochondriasis.

I recognise that the jolt I experienced in the gym is minor compared to being punched in the head. I'm often unable to shake off the fear that the GPs and hospital are wrong and dropping the weights has rattled my brain round in my skull causing damage.

My mood has plummeted and I've been off work for 10 days, also started taking Sertraline around 2 weeks ago because of v high anxiety. I'm scared i'm stuck in some weird post-concussion syndrome again which was hell to go through last time.

Can anyone offer any opinion on this please?