View Full Version : Any else get brain zaps but not on meds?

03-12-17, 19:44
I got the strongest brain zap last night, they are hard to explain but it's like someone has gone inside my brain and shaken it, hugely dissettling, it's almost like I get turned off and on really quickly and afterwards I feel super weird.
I got one last night but managed to NOT panic and that's all it was, I've had them for about 10 years now - however I also had a panic attack the two days before so I'm on a downward spiral due to the constant anxiety and now i've got gastritis - sore tummy and sore muscles all over.
Obviously not on top of it - however do you guys get brain zaps that are not on meds?

Apparently it's common when you come off meds, but I get them!
Also I'm super dizzy today as well and I can feel another one coming on - it's like adrenalin running all over my body that sometimes 'weirds' out.
hard to explain but anyone else??


03-12-17, 19:48
I remember getting them before starting sertraline. Obviously I can't say if what you and I experienced are the same things, but I definitely had things that I would describe as brain zaps without being on meds.

03-12-17, 20:31
Yes, I had them recently. For me they are kind of weird sudden spells of vertigo but not spinning, more like a kind of internal head rush or something. Definitely a horrible feeling.

03-12-17, 21:41
I've had these. Almost like a jolt or something popping in my head, followed by feelings of intense anxiety. Really really horrid. I am on sertraline, but not withdrawing. . So not a typical person to get them.

03-12-17, 21:44
They are so weird aren't they?!
They make me feel really off, I also have a pretty damn sore stomach today too - this is all really bad anxiety stuff, when I get like this I"m losing the battle - need to step up!

03-12-17, 22:05
I am having the same thing i have been having internal shakin for about 2 months but past 3 days been feel like my brain is shaking and jolting inside and my vision shaking i am suffering from stress and anxiety and im worried i have a brain tumour been the walk in centre today and they just think its my heslth anxiety and stress

03-12-17, 23:40
yeah Potter, it sounds exactly like stress but more like a panic disorder, I had one and defeated it but I think it's back, I've noticed twitching all over my body today and just an off feeling like I'm off kilter... I guess the hard thing with HA is do we just ignore it or take it seriously?
ONe day it might be something! ;) NOt to scare anyone but that's where my head is at ... how do I think logically, to me - what Potter describes is panic disorder to a T but I have the same thing and I freak out.... hmmmmm paradox

04-12-17, 08:59
The thing is mine isnt every so often can feel my head jolting inside constantly i do not see how this is stress related

04-12-17, 11:33

I've been getting these for around 20 months now. At the moment they are around 1 a month whereas previously I was getting them daily. They have reduced as my anxiety has reduced.

They are really weird though. Like a sudden jolt in my head and i get ringing in my ears just feel so intensely dizzy for a couple of seconds.

15-01-18, 10:34
IVE been getting these strange zapping sensations for several years now. Not often just once In a while and they usually are like 3-5 quick zaps and then it’s over. Tinnitus happens afterward for a short while but there are no other effects. No pain just the zaps. I don’t take any medications at all I barely have ibiprophen in my medicine cabinet. They don’t worry me but I am starting to wonder. As far as tinnitus I believe I have that: ears ringing most of the time but not bothersome and sometimes what I would describe as auditory hallucinations(like hearing music inthe background or sometimes a conversation in the distance allbarely audible). It almost feels like I have a soundtrack constantly playing in my head which I kindof like so it’s never bothered me. :whistles:

15-01-18, 11:39
I think I get these too.... it feels like something popping in my head followed by feelings of extreme anxiety .... I am on setralinr, but not withdrawing