View Full Version : Jaw pain

Lost all hope
03-12-17, 20:46
Hi just wanted to ask if anyone gets jaw pain? I have it right now but it only starts about tea time it’s really painful an I’m scared of what could be the cause! I’m really struggling with anxiety at the moment, doc gave me fluoxetine to start but I haven’t yet because of the things iv read about the side effects an how long it takes to kick in! 😥

04-12-17, 10:08
I have jaw pain, it shouldn't be anything to worry about. I went to the doctors and was told i had TMJ/TMD, I don't know if you've heard of this but it can be common in people with anxiety as it is developed by clenching the jaw or grinding your teeth during your sleep. It can also be caused to eating and over stretching your mouth so the fact that it happens to you around tea time may be a clue to what it is.

I hope this helps

Lost all hope
04-12-17, 10:38
Hi thankyou for your reply, no not heard about that before! Maybe it is that then does your pain go upto your ear or is that just the jaw pain? It only started a couple of days ago think iv only had it once before but wasn’t this bad! Iv had paracetamol but doesn’t seem to be working.

04-12-17, 12:06
Yep 100% the pain can go to your ear, it happens with me and is a common trait of TMJ. The only thing you can really do is take pain relief. Sometimes the pain will last hours and sometimes the pain can last over a week. Its nothing serious and can resolve on its own, however my doctor showed me some websites with mouth excersises that is meant to strengthen that area of your jaw. Do a little research and im sure you'll come across the help you're looking for! ☺ it is a horrible pain though I can agree there!

Lost all hope
04-12-17, 13:05
Thanks yeah will definitely look into it ��

05-12-17, 12:33
Jaw pain can be a lot of things, usually it is from tension in the jaw muscles. Years ago my ex gf told me I clench extremely during my sleep. So I went to the dentist and I got myself a mouth guard that I put in during my sleep to protect my teeth from the clenching. However, this does not take off the stress from your jaws. When I first developed stress and anxiety at a high level, the pain in my jaw came from my neck and the back of my head. Massaging your jaw muscles might help, but taking the tension out of the muscles might be the solution. Seeing a doctor just to be sure is the best advice though.

05-12-17, 14:05
I've had jaw pain a few times over the past years. This year I had it quite badly and it lasted about two months. I believe it's TMJ. But of course I became overly anxious about it which made it worse. It's really a matter of trying to relax the jaw because while you're anxious you don't even realize that you're tightening the muscles. I put hot and cold compresses on my jaw and took pain killers but I know it only eased off when I stopped stressing about it.