View Full Version : Sorry to ramble again.

Clydesdale Epona
03-12-17, 20:57
So after last night apart from feeling itchy I've been great all day but suddenly as soon as it hit 19:00 I started feeling hot in my head again.
I've taken a paracetamol but it still gets rather hot when I sit still.
if I had it last night and was fine all day today then could it still be a fever? or something else? I don't feel any other flu symptoms in fact I feel fine just feel hot in the head and rather hot to touch.
I can't stop panicking which Is probably making it worse, I don't know why i'm so on edge lately but i'm really terrified, I don't want it to get so bad I have to call the ambulance and end up dying or something :weep:

04-12-17, 02:43
When my anxiety is running high my head is always hot. Actually that’s really the only part of me that gets hot for some crazy reason lol. Try to calm down (easier said than done, I know). Maybe try finding some distractions? Read a book, watch a TV show, whatever works for you to occupy your mind on something other than anxiety symptoms. Feel better soon!

Clydesdale Epona
05-12-17, 00:07
Its definitely worse tonight, instead of my head as soon as my body is under covers it gets really hot and cools down when I take it out.
I took a paracetamol so know it can't be a fever(hopefully)
I think its either something going around, my anxiety, or because I had a really bad heat rash and panicked all night about my temperature about 2 weeks ago do you think its my anxiety worrying it will happen again or that I'll get a high fever and end up in hospital?

In any case, I'm plowing through tonight with facebook games and Netflix as a distraction(hey whatever works :roflmao:) and i have signed up for some temporary CBT as I am due some anyway.

Just wanted to say thanks to you and anyone who has helped/dealt with me in this time.
I've been embarrassing really annoying but been on edge with certain things that haven't helped and that really bad illness I caught did mess me up emotionally. So thinking I'm overreacting and secretly scared it will happen again?
I'm thinking out loud but good to because I can wrote this down for my therapist, its important to take a step in the right direction :)

Thanks everyone for helping me during this relapse :hugs: