View Full Version : lexapro, when will it wear off after just 10mg?? feel shocking

03-12-17, 22:56
Hi guys,

I get the idea of the half life of lexapro stuff.
But its been 68 hours since i took only 1 10mg tablet.

Friday after i took 1 tab, the first few hours i felt not to bad, like a little high or something. Later friday night and all day saturday, the side effects were SOOO bad. It felt like i was poised. Anyway, i looked up how long it takes for lexapro to leave your system etc. I thought i'd start feeling better over 48 hours later. Last night sunday night, all night was hell, i had like a tractor noise coming from my right ear, my shoulder blade feels like it had a knife through it, its still so sore, along with other unusual stuff going on like body flutter. Like when your heart flutters but instead your whole body. I got up at 5am after not being able to sleep and took 1mg of xanax which did help me sleep 2 hours.

I would please like to know if what i am having now is withdraw of some kind please? As of last night, its starting to freak me out, i have 2 girls to take care of today, and im just feeling awful.

Should i worry its not lexapro after effects? Or will i feel better tonight or tomorrow please? Will it go away?

What do i do please guys?


04-12-17, 00:01
It's not withdrawal. You can't have withdrawal after only a couple of doses.

For some people start up effects are worse than others. With permission from your doctor, I would start with 5 mgs for one (or two weeks, if really bad), and then bump yourself up to 10 mgs to help with the effects.

The good news is that by having initial side effects, it means your body recognizing the medication, which increases that chances that it will work for you.

04-12-17, 00:17
It's not withdrawal. You can't have withdrawal after only a couple of doses.

For some people start up effects are worse than others. With permission from your doctor, I would start with 5 mgs for one (or two weeks, if really bad), and then bump yourself up to 10 mgs to help with the effects.

The good news is that by having initial side effects, it means your body recognizing the medication, which increases that chances that it will work for you.

Im very thankful for your reply. I don't see my doctor till this friday.
2 things that freaked me out the most was my pulse dropped to 45bpm, and my heart started missed beats or extra beats, to the point my BP machine could not get a reading and keeped failing.

So basically, i am still getting side effects from the tablet (Lexapro) which should pass soon?

I feel my doctor is making me do to much at once. Like he said to give up Prochlorperazine after 20 years, started me on 4mg of Perindopril due to side effects of my other BP med. And stupid me asked for lexapro. I started all this the same day on friday. Though all what i am getting feels like lexapro related.

Thanks again.

04-12-17, 02:26
The problem is, since you made all the changes at once, you can't really tell if it's the Lexapro. Since you feel its heart-related, it actually most likely isn't the Lexapro, but Perindopril, IMO.